
Monday, January 07, 2013

KK calls on women to take up more leadership roles

KK calls on women to take up more leadership roles
By Tilyenji Mwanza
Mon 07 Jan. 2013, 14:00 CAT

Dr Kenneth Kaunda has implored women to take up more leadership roles as they are the pillars of the nation.

Dr Kaunda was speaking when he officiated at the induction service for Reverend Mwale Chomba as bishop for United Church of Zambia Lusaka Presbytery.

Dr Kaunda praised the United Church of Zambia for having many women with white-collar 'jobs' (the Women's Christian Fellowship) and urged them to even take up senior positions.

"This is why I love my church, you get to see so many women with white collars. Our church has so many mothers who are very important. One thing I am proud of is our church with the role of mothers. I'm very proud because mothers are very adequate," he said.

Dr Kaunda said women were adequate leaders because they have been nurtured to build. He said everyone should be thankful to women because everybody was born of a woman.

"These mothers are very important. Nine months, they are struggling, carrying us in their skin. You like this, you turn but nine months they continue to carry you. And after that you come out and they raise you," Dr Kaunda said.

He called on women to take up leadership positions in the church and various sectors of the nation because they could build the nation with love.

"Abanakashi bantu (women are strong people); with the love they have, they can surely build," he said.

The service could not come to an end without Dr Kaunda singing his renowned song Tiyende Pamodzi.

Dr Kaunda called for unity in the Church and in the country.
He called on leaders to govern the country with love and abide by the two golden rules of the Bible: 'Love your God with all your heart and love thy neighbour as you love yourself'.

Dr Kaunda said that if those rules were observed, the nation would have peace. He said the heart was the centre of life.

Bishop Mulumbwa also urged Bishop Chomba not to close his ears to criticism no matter how bad it may sound. He said even negative criticism, if adhered to, could help build one spiritually.

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