
Monday, January 07, 2013

MMD is dead and buried - Masebo

MMD is dead and buried - Masebo
By Kombe Chimpinde and Mukosha Funga
Mon 07 Jan. 2013, 14:00 CAT

MMD is as good as dead and buried, says Sylvia Masebo. And Masebo says the decision by the MMD and UPND to field candidates in the Mpongwe parliamentary by-election did not hold any water.

In an interview yesterday, Masebo, who is Patriotic Front chairperson for elections, said the MMD was not a threat to the PF in the Mpongwe by-election as it was crumbling and "has no head and a tail".

"MMD is finished and it shall never come back," she said.

"It will just be like UNIP, even worse than UNIP if anything, because if UNIP, which had a foundation based on principles and values of a political party went into oblivion. What about a party which has no head or tail?"

Masebo said whether or not the MMD joined forces with UPND in the by-election would not affect the PF, which she said had national appeal and character.

"They tried it in the last by-election to gang up and it never worked. You see, the only reason for ganging was to satisfy their appetite to see PF out of power,'' she said.

"They have run out of good reasons to convince the people. So they really did not have a message. It is very clear that these people are not reliable.''

Masebo said the two parties had ceased to be factors to the PF.

"For now, the party that we are watching is that of young NAREP president Elias Chipimo. That is a party we can say has direction because we listen to its leaders. They are always talking issues, even when they attack, they attack on issues, Masebo said.

"As for UPND, for as long as it is of the same colour, it will not inspire anybody and it will continue with the same results and, for us, it is good for PF.

The MMD have decided to go it alone in the Mpongwe by-election while their working partner the UPND have castigated them for continuing to live in their past glory.

Masebo said the need for a strong opposition was vital.
She said both the MMD and UPND had failed on that front.

"We wished they would give us a proper opposition and not just opposition with no direction where one is shooting this way, the other way. We don't even know today whether they are coming or going. So really right now, they don't even inspire the people of Zambia and having been in politics long enough, I can tell you that MMD is totally finished and buried,'' she said.

"I would be shocked if those people would waste their vote on UPND and MMD. I know the final decision is theirs but I think they are exposed enough that they will not go anywhere with those political parties that have failed to work together. They will fail them in the same way they have failed to be together.''

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