
Friday, January 18, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Bennett breaks ranks over John Nkomo tributes

Bennett breaks ranks over John Nkomo tributes
Contested legacy ... John Nkomo with Vice President Mujuru and PM Morgan Tsvangirai
18/01/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

ROY Bennett broke ranks with his MDC-T party on Thursday over tributes to the late Vice President John Nkomo, accusing colleagues of “telling lies” and “stupidity”.

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai described Nkomo as “an eminent nationalist, a liberation war icon and a committed patriot who will be sadly missed by all Zimbabweans”, while extending “heartfelt condolences over the loss of such a committed Zimbabwean”.

The party’s spokesman Douglas Mwonzora said “Nkomo’s politics was different from that of his colleagues which is that of blood”, adding: “He was a reconciliatory man and befittingly he was leading the Organ on National Healing.”

But Bennett, the party’s treasurer who lives in exile in the United Kingdom, said the tributes showed that the deaths of prominent Zanu PF politicians were becoming “occasions for all sorts of nonsense and stupidity”.

He made reference to a tribute by the United States embassy which said Nkomo was a “patriot who dedicated his life to Zimbabwe's sovereignty and prosperity” – hardly any more gushing than those of Tsvangirai and Mwonzora.

“Excuse me. We may not like to speak ill of the dead, but let's not tell lies,” stormed Bennett, a white former commercial farmer once jailed for assaulting Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa in parliament.

He went on: “How can anyone with any sense say that John Nkomo dedicated his life to Zimbabwe's prosperity? Since the 1980s, he has sat at the heart of the beast that has destroyed Zimbabwe's economy. He has held the hand of the dictator that has obliterated our hopes and freedoms.

“He must now be remembered by the choices he made. He chose to oppose the people, rather than serve them. He walked around in tailor-made suits while Zimbabweans walked in rags. He received private medical treatment in South Africa, while Zimbabweans in South Africa were dying in the townships.”

Bennett said his advice to “the Americans and others who appear to be bending over backward to show their neutrality in 2013” was: “Better to shut-up and say nothing than to insult the millions of Zimbabweans who have been murdered and impoverished by Zanu PF.”

Meanwhile MDC leader Welshman Ncube said Nkomo was a “unifying force” while Zapu leader Dumiso Dabengwa spoke of Nkomo as a “stabilising force in everything”.

Added Dabengwa: “He didn’t like to hurt the feelings of anybody. He was diplomatic and if he knew he did not agree with you, he wouldn’t use the word ‘no’, but would find a diplomatic way and from that point. I think people felt he was a stabilising factor.”



This is why MDC must be careful about apparent support they get from those of the pale skin to borrow Jukwas Favorited term though it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth just by saying it. For once I am tempted to use jukwa'a language. This is the heart of the difference between white Zimbabweans and black Zimbabweans and in indeed with the west. We have an axe to grind with Zanu PF but that axe is different between us and the whites. Bennet has just shown what really is in his heart and that is something personal and not national. Sorry Pachedu, this time Pachedu Na Mudhara John. He did have his wrongs but many if us are more grateful than we are angry at him. You and us can not and will never share the experience of having been liberated by chimurenga. That's an experience that will always give you and us a different perspective on the current and past national leaders. I am not saying they have been angels over the last 30 years NO, but when a father pays your school fees, feeds you and gives you a point to start from in life you will not stand on his graveside and say this man was a bad man even if on one or two occasions he forgot to pay school fees and went drinking with his money. We are what we are today, we are sought after in all these countries today because independence empowered us and gave us an opportunity for education that many of us might never have had. Again many things went wrong, and horribly wrong over the last 30 years but in the eyes of a normal black Zimbabwean who tasted apartheid and understood its macro implications, (not just the fact of not going to the same bars- that's nothing) the man and women who brought independence (and please that's not just Mugabe, Nkomo and the Ovets - its many Zimbabweans men women, boys and girls) will always have a special place in our hearts. We know and would like to correct what they did wrong but we will not forsake them. This is something that Morgen and many other politicians apart from those in Zanu, understand very well and Bannet can never share or understand this experience, ever.

Rest in peace Mtwana wenhlabati.

Bennet is the only one who is able to call a spade a spade....we will all we fear that if we call it as it is we will die, we will die regardless!!!!.....So would it be correct to speak well of Hitler by his grave side?and say he was a good man who contributed to his country..well yes he did...but is that a balanced testimony? I work with Black South Africans who are good people on a one on one basis but stick together regardless of whether they are right or wrong against an "outsider"... this why we then attack Bennet?because he criticized while white?..what if this criticism came from a black man? we have to get over this pretending to give people titles and accolades at their grave sides..Mugabe has been praising Murderers for years...remember Bennet was violated by Zanu, would we you say good things about someone who abused you at their grave site...yes John Nkomo was a moderate but he carried on the usual Zanu way so when inflation raged on and people suffered was it well with him?Is he not also culpable for the misrule by Zanu?..Was he unaware of the torture, killings and maimings and starvation..I will let you know for a FACT the John was USED by Mugabe to frustrate the Matebeleland Zambezi water project....did he do that to keep the peace????.if not did he stand against corruption???.....Bennet indeed has a point...we are not hear to insult the dead but we must not give praises where they are not due......

Shame on you bro.

Without ZANU and ZAPU I doubt if I was going to have a chance to receive the good education I received. I doubt if I was going to make it to be what I am now if there was no independence of 1980 that these guys fought for. However ZANU made too many wrong moves but I will not completely wipe them off. I appreciate the liberation we had in the 80s and 90s.

I grew up in Kwekwe so I saw some of the Gukurahindi stuff in the Midlands. Still everything ZANU is not bad. I am sorry for your poor soul.
Jacques Marneweck

It's called "accountability" And I think its more disrespectful of the dead to sing there praises and pretend they where someone they where not than to remember them as who they where. It's like killing them again by wiping away there history. The west still have a bad view of Hitler even tho he managed to make the most indebted country the most powerful in less then a decade. But we remember him as a monster that pushed for race based laws just like zanu and that is how it should be. And by all accounts Hitler did all that Mugabe did but he actually at some point in his career at least put the majority first.

What a load of Rubbish, Zimbabweans are the most racist lot under the sun and judging from the posts we read on these forums, one thinks there is a level of being delusional as well amongst ZImbabweans. If something thats right is said by a white Zimbabwean, he is then reminded of his skin colour and all sorts of vile cr*p that ZANU has fed to its people.

What Bennett is saying is spot on, that c*nt Nkomo must rot in hell and as Bennett puts it he sat in the heart of the beast and massaged it all along. His fellow people from matebeleland were massacred and never once did this man ever publicly call for an inquiry. Clearly he was now sorted and had a position in government so stuff the rest. Bulawayo or should i say the Matebeleland region continues to fall apart, industry closing, water woes, no development and yet people like Nkomo, Khaya Moyo etc sit as puppets in the ZANU machine that nearly wiped clean its own people.

I support Bennett for he is brave enough to tell it as it is not Tswangirai who is trying to entice the lot.

Zimbabweans are like South Africans and the ANC, one track mind, no good can come from a white person period. The west should pull its plug on even Aid to these useless countries and watch what happens, cause as a people governance and management are so alien to Africans its shocking.

Good Words Bennett and always speak your mind, if they don't like it, punch em like you did that monkey in parliament

Arikutaura chokwadi murungu uyu. Nkomo obviously supported all the evil done by Zanu, all the people they have killed, he was put of it in a way unlike Dabengwa who made up his mind not 2 be partt of that evil.....

well said my brother Roy is telling the truth Nkomo must burn in hell he died a zanu he is zanu

Fools in abundance

Why monkey and why not say 'punch them like you punched that man'. Is monkey the only word that is suitable for Chinamasa? To me it shows that you have used the platform to express your racist attitude. By nature you are a racist and people like you do not have any room in Zimbabwe no matter how poor we might be. Why not stay in your homeland where there are no problems and leave everything to those who want to sort out the problems faced by Zimbabweans? Shame on you!!
Wilberforce Majaji

Hahaha u r such an idiot. I have no idea why such idiots get the blessing of a computer. You are fighting a losing battle son. Bennett will never set foot in Zimbabwe again. He will remain a prisoner of hope. The hope,of once again returning to his farm. Let me make clear to you and your ilk, Rhodes like you will be crushed ruthlessly and without remorse. Just for punching Chinamasa, Bennett went on a good diet program for 2 years in a rural jail.imagine what will happen if he comes back now. Zimbabweans will be relentless in making sure, once and for all, that Bennett and his selous thugs like you will never again be given the chance to subjugate te great people of Zimbabwe
Elma Sabudo

You should endeavour to promote free speech and free press .Our judiciary has liable laws enforced through civil courts and more such as inflammatory can be enacted .But that is very impossible Robert Mubage will be locked up as well .

Last time you posted Indianapolis as place of residence and yet nothing has been learned ever since that is the sad part of your story .An African wants enslaved living in the West caught in dichotomy of hate along racial lines and cannot see beyond that .

The implications of your misguided drivel is not only Bennet will never step back to Zimbabwe but other black Zimbabweans too ,because of nihilistic behaviour like yours .And more Africans perishing escaping repressive country's ,with more naturalised and contributing within their new founded homes .Making it impossible for Africa to catch up with current modernity .

Wilberforce Majaji

Whilst in your vile attempt to soil me by misquoting everything I've said it is your right and you're free to say wha pleases you, try or not! What is interesting, however is you seem to portray the Mage that you know me! Look, I don't use a pseudo name like he coward that you are! If you want to know all about me ask me or those who know me. Talking about things that you don't know is a b1tch a$$ trait.

You may continue to parade as if you know my situation, I'll leave that to folks like yôu! It could be that you get some sort of satisfaction from talking about things you don't know. But what I know is this, I'm a free man and I don't need your lecture to put food on my table.
Elma Sabudo

Here is what you posted BHUDHI with typos .

"He will remain a prisoner of hope. The hope,of once again returning to his farm. Let me make clear to you and your ilk, Rhodes like you will be crushed ruthlessly and without remorse ".

For free speech !!! ,your quoted drivel is a catalyst of Rwanda genocide and yet you live in developed country where free speech is enshrined in the constitution and enforced by courts system .You should school your party about it not incite hatred .

I am not trying to soil you ,but displaying your limited intellectual threshold driven by an IQ of a mosquito BHUDHI.Now that you are marinated ,learn to unite and debate with civility .

Wilberforce Majaji

So there is a lot of civility in what you just said? Listen, I don't have time to debate with you. Besides, why would you want to debate with someone with a "limited intellectual threshold". So I'll do you a favor. You are free not to read what I say but best believe, I won't stop

Notice to the Public


placed by Ngoko

I agree with freedom of expression, but to go like this is neither moral nor right.

This shows that Bennett wants all these guys dead. I hate that, I now support the assertion that he should never set his foot in Zim. He has offended many. When Smith was killing and oppressing our fathers Bennett was quiet. Shame on him. Ngaanovhiya mbudzi vakuru titaure nyaya.

Listen to what Roy is saying, do not just read his words. There is nothing right mukoma. The man is angry with whoever has said the right thing, at the right time. The Late cde Nkomo, Nyongolo, Tongogara, JZ etc and Mugabe and company are well known throughout the world for their contributions to the struggle for black freedom. Is that racist? And you think it is right for somebody from planet Z to ridicule their contributions and turn their graves into rubbish dumps. Makadyeyi nhayi mukoma. Mucharutsiswa nani vangodobori vakapera kufa, kwasara tsikamutanda chete.

Nhamodzenyika, I got a question for you. Are you white?

Yes/no please.

I do not believe Bennett's anger is directed at the late John Nkomo or Zanu-PF at all. He is not even angry at the Americans.

For years, the man worked his arse off raising funds for Tsvangirai's MDC-T. The man invested huge amounts of time and money in the MDC-T dream. His main objective was to land his stooge in State House so that he can undo everything that Zanu-PF had done. He wanted to restore white Rhodesia with a black President. He did that task so successfully that Tsvangirai nearly sneaked into StateHouse. But that dream is now water under the bridge.

Bennett never imagined that his front man would one day sup with and eulogise over the same people that he planned to dislodge from power.

Bennett is not angry with Robert Mugabe, Simon Moyo, John Nkomo, Welshman Ncube, Dumiso Dabengwa or the American Embassy.

His profuse anger is directed at Morgan Tsvangirai for defrauding him and misappropriating the time and money that he sweated for to invest in the MDC-T project.

He gambled and lost. Simple.

His anger is completely understandable, but also laughable

Did Bennett lie? It's critical that you read past the man's skin colour??
Chivhu Mdhara

Nkomo and co liberated Zimbabwe and they should be thanked for that and they handsomely rewarded themselves farm, cash and company. The fact that they were part of the liberation struggle does not give them the right to abuse us. They acted as if they are the only ones who fought for this country. In as much as we abide by the African values of honouring the dead, we should not go overboard so as to loud the works of a man who has been part of the machinery that has left millions starving and millions in the diaspora. Let us not forget those who are living as ophans because of the political differences with the regime that Nkomo so vehemently supported. People talk about how the Nkomo family is feeling. Have the same people considered how the victims of politicall violence felt when thier loved ones were taken away. May Nkomo rest in peace. We honour him for the scars that he had on account of the struggle but also still see the scars that his party has left on our children and our people.

Good points in there.
Black Light

Accurate! A man's life, villainous as it might seem should be put on a balance of scales and judged accordingly. He participated in the treacherous and deadly war to liberate this country from a toxic, inhumane system that was colonialism, sought to expand the previously marginalized and disenfranchised Black capacity by education policies and died while seeking their economic empowerment. Were all these undertakings, policies and decisions correct? Not even close, but will Mr. Bennett claim that mantle of immaculate morality for himself?

Well said indeed!

Thank you for respectfully putting the issue into proper perspective. This really could be our defining point as Zimbabweans. Understanding each other with compassion and stepping forward with a common purpose. What perceptions we had of each other along racial, tribal, or other should really be understood in the context that for the long run cutting the nose to spite the face is not doing anyone any good. We probably should worry more about what our current existence means. True we do not speak ill of the dead. They rest, but we are still here. So yes we still have got to make this work.
RIP Vice President Nkomo.

This is the best comment I read today. Well balanced.


The 'pale' in 'pale devil' is merely a means to physically IDENTIFY an invader in a Black land.

And the 'devil' in 'pale devil' identify the KNOWN history of beastly barbarianism practiced UNPROVOKED by european invaders against indigenous peoples!

The evil euros are not devils on account of their pale pigmentation. NO!


So please feel free to say 'pale devils'.

From now on, it shouldn't leave a 'bad taste' in the mouth now that you know it represents the truth about a set of criminal invaders from European & Arabian Peninsulas. lol

And by the way, you are observing correctly that the differences in groups of human; forms, geography of origin, and culture ARE REAL & NATURAL.
They are not artificial.
And they ARE NOT to be ignored in interactions.

The pale devils & their weird culture, ARE invaders in African Ancestral lands. And they need to be gone from Africa!
Patience Nyangove

munyori wanyatsoreva zvako iwe very objective and Bennet must also realise at some point in his life he was supporting and one of those people who were ill treating and killing of black Zimbabweans but many of us embraced him back and made him one of our own that does not mean we are blind to the wrongs he committed against us
nyamuzinga takesure

Thanx Patience.Yes at one time Bennet was also on the wrong side of the spectrum,but our people embraced him. Thats what reconciliation is all about. Thats what the Americans, judging from their tone are trying to achieve.This is the way forward.As long some people keep spitting venom.We will always be on each other's necks.

Thanks Patience. Bennett was quiet when our fathers and mothers were being ill-treated. He must shut up or go fly a kite!

Well said, thank you very much !!!!

There is a lot truth in what Roy said, however it was the wrong time and from a wrong official.Those nasty words are better left for me Life! To dish out....spicy rhetoric uncut! Roy you are screwed! Stay safe.

Notice to the Public

DEAD BODY of Life!
placed by Ngoko

Why are you always wishing me death? I am not calling for truce anymore... we are going to war!

Public Warning
DANGER! Life's decomposing CADAVAR
Advanced state of decomposition
Ngoko 24/7

Your elimination papers have been signed, and the order will be carried out as directed.
Mhanzi Mhanzi

Well said mudhara

Bull's eye!

Breaking ranks? More like breaking wind(just commenting on the picture)

Nice interpretation of the facts. lol

If I may ask....Who is Bennet?

Answer....Some WHITE *** nestled in the UK after stealing diamonds from Charleswood farm where he canvassed his diamond mining activities under green leaves.

Benet, shut up....because you are not Zimbabwean that's why you went to your country of origin misrepresenting to the word as exiled.....wakamboona exile kumusha kwako??

You never worked with Nkomo and your assertions are just fictitious....Ncube and Chamatama at least worked with him in the GNU and they comments are acceptable will never set your foot in this MORONIC WHITE thief!

A white scumbag who stole from Zim never paid taxes or declared diamonds that he robbed us off, has supported regime change and was charged with treason and ran off and now has an opinion on our of our heros. He needs to focus on managing his ill gotten wealth in the Cayman Islands or Mauritius or wherever his offshore accounts are and F off. We wont be lectured to by former Selous Scouts. Pamh*ta

Taura zvako DZ.....I will not give a white a$$hole an opportunity to lecture me....NO!
Benet looted the country's resources then sponsored terror groups during elections and financed regime change agenda.....dai aiva mutema zvaiva nani....varungu imbudzi mhani! Vanoba uchiwona hiding under so called human rights hell with Benet....he is not entitle to comment on our HERO let alone open his PINK lips.

Try learning to spell correctly you fool

MRS WHITE have no case in defending your kith and kin
Benet will not set foot in this country.....this time Chikurubi maximum is waiting for him.

Zvinhu, It takes a pig to know a pig, no matter the colour. Was your mother a pig? or was your father a pig F u ker? whatever the case, you sure have inherited all the traits of a pig. Go oink oink to your pen!

U are an idiot , used condom,a morron bafoon tsvina voetsek

WHITE PIGs will not intimidate us TRUE PATRIOTS......ask Bennet we send him to a jail in Mutoko!
Your words are just like a fly in does not change the soup in fact the soupd becomes a death trap for a fly.....i liken you to a white fly

I did not hear him say the same when Ian Smith passed away, it would have been different if he had given the same comments at that time. Most of the whites, not all, pretend to be in the same boat with the majority of Zimbabweans but hell no, we know all about it. However, there is a little bit of sense in what he is saying although there might seem to be a motive behind. Nkomo should have distanced himself from the dictator just like some of his colleagues did. He is a freedom fighter who has got innocent people's blood on his hands and thats the truth.

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