
Friday, January 18, 2013

Senior chief Mwamba refutes Nkula's paramountcy claim

Senior chief Mwamba refutes Nkula's paramountcy claim
By Bivan Saluseki
Fri 18 Jan. 2013, 13:40 CAT

SENIOR Chief Mwamba has refuted claims by the acting Senior Chief Nkula (alias Kafula Mucheleka Lukaka) that President Michael Sata has instructed Bashilubemba (hereditary councilors ) to appoint him as Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

Chief Mwamba yesterday said he found it to be very impertinent to bring the name of the head of state in such malicious and unfounded falsehoods, which gave the impression that the President was meddling in Bemba traditional affairs.

"Sub-Chief Chimba who acts as regent during the lengthy burial rites of Chitimukulu has vehemently denied having met the President. In fact the Supreme Court judgment No. 25 of 2008 clearly states: 'having affirmed the position that the choice of a Chitimukulu, Bashilubemba have a final say','' he explained.

"In fact, the acting chief Nkula's appointment to chieftainship has been shrouded in cunning jockeyship. He was hurriedly appointed Senior Chief Nkula and culturally installed by bypassing his elder brother the late Senior Chief Nkula (James Ngandu), just because there was a conspiracy by the late Mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu Mwango and his consort to prevent me from ascending to Chitimukuluship. But unfortunately that plan was aborted since State House quickly detected the conspiracy and demoted him to the position of chief Chikwanda. The conspirators in their hurried plans overlooked to check his family background since he has twins which according to Bemba tradition norms, anyone who has given birth to twins cannot see Babenye (tribal relics - sacred objects that are inherited with the name and post). This actually means in practice that he was automatically disqualified to hold any Bemba chiefly position. I don't even understand why he should even aspire to be the Paramount Chief when in fact his position as a Bemba chief will have to be reviewed by Ilamfya Bemba Supreme Council because of the anomaly."

According to intelligence reports, chief Nkula has been going round telling people that the President had instructed the Bemba council to make him the new Chitimukulu.

According to chief Mwamba, the Bemba political system is one of the most revolutionary in the world and admittedly succession is very intricate because their political system was highly complex.
For example, the positions of Senior Chief Mwamba and Senior Chief Nkula are the most senior in the Bemba hierarchy, but it does not automatically mean that anyone in those positions can succeed to the paramountcy.

Another guiding line is that there is no sequence of chiefly names leading to the paramountcy, but only relationships and a new Paramount may step up from being Mwamba or Nkula or from being a man with no earlier post.

Although Mwamba is regarded as the second in power and honour, he need not be the right man to succeed in every case as Paramount.

It is relationship that counts, not possession of a particular chieftainship.

The Chitimukulu died in April last year.

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