
Monday, July 22, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) No interest in Tsvangirai VP offer: Ncube
10/07/2013 00:00:00
by Nkosana Dlamini

MDC leader, Welshman Ncube has insisted that he has no interest in the reported offer of the vice presidency by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai as the party also denied participating in meetings to form a so-called election grand coalition.

Tsvangirai, who announced an alliance with MKD leader Simba Makoni and a Zanu Ndonga official on Monday, is reported to be dangling the VP carrot before Ncube in a bid to build a broader coalition against President Robert Mugabe in this month’s key elections.

But writing on his Facebook page Wednesday night, Ncube vehemently denied ever demanding the second most influential political job in the country as reward for backing Tsvangirai for the presidency.

“Whoever made the initial (claim that I demanded the vice presidency) post needs his head examined,” Ncube said.

“I have NOT at any time asked to be first Vice President in the so called grand coalition. I have NOT asked for any position in that grand coalition. I have no issues with Khupe being first or second or 3rd vice president or whatever else she might want to be in that coalition.

“I have no interest whatsoever in that grand coalition. I don't want any position in it. Never will. I have NOT spoken nor will I speak to anyone in that coalition.”

The MDC also dismissed as lies media reports quoting Makoni claiming that Ncube had participated in at least five meetings which discussed the proposed grand coalition.

In a statement issued on Monday, party secretary general Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga said: “We want to place it on record that MDC has never been involved in any five -party talks, and more specifically that the MDC has never had any such conversation with Makoni or MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai at any one time.

“We therefore dismiss with the contempt it deserves the deliberate falsification over this matter by Makoni. This is precisely why we have no desire to be associated with political parties and political leaders who have mastered the art of politics of deception.

“For Makoni to speak about meetings in which we did not attend is totally shocking. In his self-appointed capacity of spokesperson of the tripartite coalition, Makoni is better advised to learn to tell the truth and desist from shamelessly misinforming the public and calling our reputation to question.

“We only hear about the coalition reports in the media and are shocked and appalled each time we read that we were in these meetings. These lies around the so-called grand coalition have gone on for long enough and as a party we would like to reassure the public that they are false and only created for deceiving the public and grandstanding. “
Ncube also accused hit back proponents of the grand coalition idea against Mugabe, of behaving like Zanu PF.

“All you have to do is to read the abusive, disrespectful, vile, evil, intolerant, undemocratic, vitriolic, tribalistic and hurtful posts by MDC-T and grand coalition supporters in this and other similar threads to realize that these people are only hypocritical opponents of
Zanu PF. The harder they appear to oppose Zanu PF, the more they exhibit every vice we know to be a characteristic of the Zanu PF DNA.

Ncube, who is industry minister in the unity government, last week, announced a coalition pact with Zapu leader Dumiso Dabengwa, another presidential hopeful, putting paid to hopes of a national front against Mugabe.

The former secretary general of a united MDC insisted no amount of abuse at the hands of Tsvangirai’s followers would make them alter their political decisions.

“This is exactly the reason we will never be part of a grand coalition which opposes Zanu PF only in name when in fact it has the same DNA as Zanu PF,” Ncube continued.

“The insults, the abuse, the naked exhibition of the Zanu PF DNA in the attacks on us merely serve to nourish our resolve to stand up against intolerance, evil, tribalism, injustice and spiteful politics.

“If we give in now to the evil politics, all the years of relentless abuse when unspeakable injustices have been done to us would have been in vain.

“We will stand up against mob intimidation, against injustice, against discrimination, against being treated as second class citizens and hurtful politics with the stubborn resilience they have never seen.

“To those members and supporters of the MDC who are familiar with the non-negotiable values and principles we stand for and for which we are prepared to die if need be.”

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