
Monday, July 22, 2013

Victory is certain: Mugabe
by Our reporter

PRESIDENT Mugabe set Zanu-PF’s campaign for the July 31 harmonised elections in motion with a star rally that drew tens of thousands of supporters at Nzvimbo High School in Chiweshe, Mashonaland Central Province, yesterday.

President Mugabe — who was accompanied by the First Family — was welcomed with jubilation by the bumper crowd that was resplendent in green and yellow Zanu-PF regalia.

In his address, the President said victory was certain.

He described the inclusive Government as a three-headed monster that should be avoided in the harmonised elections.

The President reiterated his call for peace ahead of the elections, saying some political parties sought to foment violence to discredit the polls.

“It is peace that brings unity. We should not fight each other. The MDC is trying to foment violence, you should resist this. You should desist from starting violence with the MDC," said President Mugabe.

"The MDC wants to use violence as an excuse for discrediting the elections. This is what happened in 2008 and we had to go to a runoff."

Chinoita kuti tibatane runyararo. Tova nerunyararo irworwo rwekuti tirege kurovana. Iye zvino veMDC vari kutsvaga
kukutokonyai, rambai kutokonywa. Imi regaiwo kutokonya vamwe.

“Kuti zvigonzi maelections aya akanganiswa nekuti vanhu vange vane bishi nemheremhere vachirovana. Ndozvakaita kuti tidzokorore maelections atakaita 2008. Vamwe vedu vakati kune mareports anoti iwo kwakarovanwa zvikuru-kuru kwakamanikidzwa vanhu saka tinoda kuti mudzokorore.

The President said people should self introspect and avoid the mistake made in 2008 where Zanu-PF lost two constituencies in Mashonaland Central to MDC-T.

He said he decided to start his star rallies in Mashonaland Central Province because of the region’s rich liberation history.

“This is where the liberation struggle started from. We remember Nehanda who resisted white colonial rule today. She is remembered here even after so many years.

"It is important that we remember those who fought the liberation struggle. The spirit that guided our struggle comes from this place. Today that same spirit guides us in our current struggle.

The President said it was important to teach the youths the values of the liberation struggle.

He said people did not choose to be in Zimbabwe but the country was given to Zimbabweans by God.

President Mugabe urged people to be wary of some individuals who were being used by Western detractors to reverse the gains of independence.

He left the gathering in stitches when he said MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai did not only have an ugly heart, but an ugly face too.

He said in vernacular: “Takangoverenga mupepa kuti iye nezuro namarumwe zuro vakange vari kuno. Vari kukanganwa kuti province ino ndeya Mbuya Nehanda. Ndakaona Kusadharara ahh.

“Ndakazonzwa kuti mutungamiri wacho akasiya atuka. Ko unotukirira vanhu vagere munyika yavo iwe wavavinga. Vamboti huya kwavari?

“Kuno vari kuti hatikude wakashata. Hauna kushata moyo chete wakabva washata nekumeso. Pasi newe. Vakakuda ndivavo. Ndobva ipapo ndoti iwe ivhu nderedu,” he said.

President Mugabe said independence would not mean anything if people do not have control over their resources.

He said at the Lancaster House Conference they insisted that they wanted people to get their land back and Britain agreed.

As a result of the independence President Mugabe said, Zimbabwe now had the highest literacy rate in Africa.

He said the huge turnout at the rally was clear testimony that people had confidence in Zanu-PF and its policies.

As such, he said on July 31 Zanu-PF would form a people oriented Government after being voted into power.

The rally was also attended by Vice President Joice Mujuru and several Zanu-PF Politburo and Central Committee members.

Pictures from the rally


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