
Friday, August 16, 2013

ECZ records 542 cases
By Allan Mulenga
Sat 27 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE Examinations Council of Zambia has disclosed that a total of 542 cases of examination irregularities were reported during last year's examinations.

Briefing the press in Lusaka on Thursday, ECZ director Michael Chilala explained that 463 cases of examination malpractices had so far been resolved, while 51 cases were pending.

Chilala explained that of the resolved cases of examination irregularities, 21 candidates had their results released arising from lack of adequate evidence.

"The grade seven cases involved six teachers of whom four were from Eastern Province, one from Southern Province and one from Northern Province. The other one case involved a member of the public from Southern Province. The cases at grade nine and 12 involved candidates and teachers mainly," he explained.

Chilala said further analysis revealed that 84 cases at grade nine and 85 cases at grade 12 examinations involved assistance of the candidates by fellow candidates and teachers.

"All confirmed cases of assistance involved GCE candidates, who also account for more than 70 per cent of all reported malpractice cases. It has been observed that cases of malpractices involving assistance have increased over the years. Instances of finding one script having more than one handwriting, two scripts having different handwritings but bearing one name or one handwriting in more than one script, are becoming common," he said.

"We have also noted that despite the nullification of results for candidates involved in such irregularities, those who assisted were never pursued in the past."

Chilala warned teachers against writing examinations on behalf of candidates.

"I wish to send a stern warning to teachers who have been writing examinations on behalf of other candidates, and or even assisting candidates in many ways to pass examinations that we shall continue catching up with them. Once found, we shall ensue that the system gets rid of them," he said.

Chilala announced that the council had revised conditions of service for the examinations setters and markers to boost their morale.

"We noted the low turnout of trained markers during marking, which was mainly attributed to poor conditions of service. Going forward, grade nine markers will get K 130 per day for days of marking, in place of K50 which they previously got as lunch allowance. The lunch allowance has therefore been included in the daily allowance. This gives the markers at grade nine level an additional K80 for other expenses during marking. Transport allowances will still be paid to all markers at grade nine level," he explained.

"All grade 12 markers who are in camp will get K130 per day for all days of marking. This will be in addition to the subsistence allowances they will get if they spend nights on the way to and from the marking centre, and the transport refunds."

Chilala also announced that the examination time tables had been revised.

"The grade seven examination will start on 14 and end on 18 October, 2013 while the grade 12 examination will start on 4th October and end on 8 November, 2013. Arising from the change, it is expected that the grades seven and nine results will be released in time for the grades eight and 10 pupils to open at the same time as other pupils in January 2014, while the Grade 12 examination results will be expected to be released before end of January 2014," said Chilala.

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