
Friday, August 16, 2013

MMD suspends Bowman for gross misconduct
By Allan Mulenga
Sat 27 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE MMD has suspended its youth wing leader Bowman Lusambo for gross misconduct. But Lusambo says he will not be intimidated by greedy and selfish senior party leaders.

According to a letter dated July 25, 2013 signed by the party's deputy national secretary Chembe Nyangu and copied to MMD president Nevers Mumba, Lusambo has been suspended for issuing disparaging media statements without clearance from the leadership. Nyangu further stated that Lusambo's unprecedented manoeuvres to destabilise the party could not be condoned.

"I have observed with dismay and shock that despite the one-on-one discussion with you in my office recently to counsel you against issuance of disparaging media statements against the party for which you showed remorse and promised never to release any further uncleared press statements the trend has continued," read the letter in part. "It is in view of the aforesaid that I have decided to invoke powers vested in me via Article 46 (1) (2) and (5) of the constitution of the party read together with disciplinary regulation No. 6 of 1993, the following charge is preferred against you."

Nyangu stated that Lusambo had no mandate to assume the role of the party's spokesperson to be able to issue press statements bordering on matters of policy.

"You issued a scathing attack on the party leadership which was published in The Post Newspaper edition No. 6122 of Tuesday July 23, 2013 that, Michael Kaingu, Dr Brian Chituwo, Kabinga Pande and Kapembwa Simbao are political serial killers. This statement to say the least was uncalled for particularly that it came from a junior member of the party," read the letter in part.

Nyangu directed Lusambo to submit an exculpatory statement within 10 days from the day the letter was issued.

But Lusambo said he would not be cowed into threats by senior party leaders.

"I have received the letter with deep shock because the suspension lacks merit and substance. The MMD Die-Hard youth wing was founded to provide effective checks and balances on MMD senior leaders. We shall not be threatened by anyone. We will not allow our party to be destroyed by greedy and selfish senior leaders. The suspension will not shake me in any way," said Lusambo in an interview yesterday.

Wrangles have rocked MMD with vice-presidents Michael Kaingu and Dr Brian Chituwo, national chairperson Kabinga Pande and national secretary Kapembwa Simbao summoning the party president Nevers Mumba to the secretariat over his leadership style.

The four senior members have asked Mumba to resign from his position.
But Mumba said he was aware of the ploy by senior party members to hound him out of the party.

But Lusambo described Kaingu, Dr Chituwo, Pande and Simbao as political "serial killers".

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