
Monday, August 05, 2013

India to enhance economic ties with Zambia, says Mukherjee
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Thu 18 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Pranab Mukherjee says Zambia's relationship with Zambia is exceptionally warm. President Mukherjee has assured President Michael Sata of his desire to further strengthen ties between the two countries.

President Mukherjee spoke yesterday when he received letters of credence from Zambia's new High Commissioner to India Brigadier General Patrick Tembo at the Rashtrapat Bhawan in New Delhi.

President Mukherjee said India looked forward to enhanced economic cooperation with Zambia through the India-Africa Forum and the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation.

And Brig Gen Tembo pledged to strengthen relations between India and Zambia during his tenure of office.

Brig Gen said there was need for the Joint Permanent Commission between Zambia and India which has not met since 2005, to convene as soon as possible to address matters of bilateral interest.

He thanked India for the US$50 million Line of credit towards construction of 650 rural health posts and another US$50 million earmarked for the Itedzi Tezhi Hydropower Project. Gen. Tembo also thanked the India Government for a grant of US$5 million for the social sector including health and education.

Brig Gen Tembo also invited India to attend the forthcoming United Nations World Tourism Assembly to be co-hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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