
Monday, August 05, 2013

MMD's only campaign vehicle breaks down in Mkushi
By Moses Kuwema
Thu 18 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE MMD team in the Mkushi by-election have suffered a setback after their only vehicle being used in their campaigns broke down.

But MMD candidate Jonathan Kapungwe says the problem has been resolved. According to sources within the party campaign team in Mkushi, the vehicle broke down some time last week and this resulted in the campaigns coming to a halt.

"The candidate only had one vehicle which broke down and this made it impossible for the campaigns to continue," the sources said.

But Kapungwe said his party had a vehicle they were using in their campaigns.

"It has been resolved. We have a vehicle we are using and there is no those issues sic," said Kapungwe.

Kapungwe claimed his vehicle had never broken down.

But asked to clarify what he meant by saying the issue of the vehicle had been resolved, Kapungwe responded:

"We wanted more vehicles to beef up the vehicle, which I am using. I am using one vehicle. I cannot use two vehicles alone. There is other parts where the campaign manager is using another vehicle, I am using another one."

Further asked how the response had been like following his request for the party provide in more vehicles, Kapungwe said it had been overwhelming.

"You know each party has got its own way of doing things and depending on how they are planning and budgeting for their campaigns then they can use vehicles to that type of budget which they are running, but otherwise, we have no problem so far," he said.

Kapungwe however, complained about the vastness of Mkushi North Constituency, saying it was not easy to trek from one point to another.

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