
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) President a principled, consistent leader: VP Mujuru
Saturday, 17 August 2013 20:02
Tinashe Farawo

Vice-President Mujuru has described President Mugabe as an honest, principled and consistent leader who is destined to lead Zimbabwe to prosperity.

In an interview on the sidelines of commemorations to mark the second anniversary of the death of her husband, General Solomon Mujuru (Retired), she said President Mugabe is a fountain of wisdom and experience.

“He is a fountain of wisdom and experience. I have a personal experience of (working with) the man. I have benefited a lot since the days of the liberation struggle to date.

“The man does not mince his words. He is honest, reliable. That is why we, as a party, continue to elect him as leader despite his age.”

Cde Mujuru said Zimbabwe and Zanu-PF have managed to resist a sustained Western onslaught for more than a decade because President Mugabe has stood firm.

“We have reached this far because of the vision and consistency of the man. Some of us have known him for more than 30 years. Thus, and, I can tell you, he is genuine.”

She said history will prove Cde Mugabe right for empowering the majority of Zimbabweans through pro-people policies.

“When the President said we must take what rightfully belongs to us (land) he was condemned throughout the world, but now history has absolved him. Look at what is happening on those farms.

“Now we are embarking on (indigenisation and empowerment). Let us indigenise this economy because the situation is not sustainable and again, history will absolve him in a few years’ time after we have completed this indigenisation programme.

“Soon after independence, President Mugabe was again criticised for spending a huge budget on education. However, look at our sons and daughters; they are doing wonders throughout the world.”

Turning to the memorial, Cde Mujuru said Zimbabweans paid tribute to Gen Mujuru by voting for Zanu-PF in last month’s elections.

“I want to say thank you to Zimbabwe for paying tribute to my late husband, for overwhelmingly voting for Zanu-PF. This is the greatest tribute Zimbabweans have paid to my husband.

“I know he is resting in peace, knowing that Zimbabwe is in our hands forever.”

The Vice-President also criticised MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai for lacking good morals, saying it would have been tragic if Zimbabweans had voted for him.

Gen Mujuru died in an inferno at his Ruzambo Farm two years ago. Yesterday’s ceremony was attended by senior Zanu-PF officials, among other dignitaries.

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