
Monday, December 30, 2013

Bwalya calls for deregistration of PF
By Henry Sinyangwe
Sun 10 Nov. 2013, 14:01 CAT

THE recent violent conduct by PF cadres calls for the de-registration of the party according to Section 13 sub-section (1) (b) of the societies Act, claims Alliance for Better Zambia president Frank Bwalya.

And home affairs minister Edgar Lungu says Bwalya's call for the deregistration of the PF was valid. In a statement yesterday, Bwalya stated that the PF had become a danger to peace, good order and the welfare of the general public.

According to Section 13 sub-section (1) (b) of the societies Act, "the minister may, in his discretion, cancel at any time the registration of any society affected under the provision of Section seven if he is satisfied that it is expedient so to do on the ground that - the interest of peace, welfare or good order in Zambia would, in his opinion, be likely to suffer prejudice by reason of the continued registration of such society."

Bwalya stated that the intra-party violence in the ruling party had reached unprecedented levels leading to the loss of life.

"No one should doubt the potential of PF violence to cause national instability. Against this background, we call upon the responsible minister to rise above partisan interest and de-register PF before the violence they have been perpetrating gets out of control," he stated.

Bwalya stated that there was need for a thorough investigation to bring to book those that had been sponsoring violence in PF.

He stated that there was need for President Michael Sata to put an end to lawlessness.

"Should the minister fail to de-register PF, we urge the people of Zambia to delete PF from the list of political parties to vote for in by-elections and the 2016 tripartite elections," stated Bwalya.

"We think that the police have failed to be professional because they fear being fired by President Sata should they be tough with violent PF cadres."

When contacted, Lungu said the PF was not above the law and that its members should put their house in order.

"The challenge is valid because we the PF are not above the law. If the information gathered by the police and the intelligence warrants that we deregister the party...then I have to abide by that, but we need to make consultations," he said.

Lungu said it was up to the PF members to change and begin behaving properly.

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