
Monday, December 30, 2013

Kazungula councillor appeals for quick delivery of inputs
By Namakau Muhau in Kazungula
Sun 10 Nov. 2013, 14:00 CAT

MOOMBA ward councillor Davidson Sikasibi has appealed to the Office of the District Agriculture Coordinator to speed up the delivery of farming inputs to his area.

Sikasibi said Kazungula farmers were still waiting to receive their Farmer Input Support Programme allocation for 2013/14 farming season. He said Kabila Multipurpose Cooperative in Moomba had not yet received the stock adding that the situation had caused most farmers to start panicking because the rainy season had started.

Sikasibi also complained that the Mulobezi railway line had become a source of concern to most travellers who rely on the train.
He called on the government to renovate the Mulobezi railway line to desirable standards.

Sikasibi further disclosed that most people in his ward had run out of food, adding that there was need for the relevant authorities to quickly send relief food to the area so that people do not starve to death.

And district agriculture coordinator Richard Nambwalu said the distribution of FISP inputs had delayed because his office was still waiting for farmers to bring back the application forms collected from the office of the District Marketing Distribution Officer.

Nambwalu said the district had already received its allocation of D-compound, but it would not be enough to cater for all farmers in the area.

He said farmers would receive their inputs through their cooperatives which he said were close to 200 in the district.

Nambwalu also said that the district had not yet received seed for the farmers, but was expecting it anytime.

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