
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Making people eat grass is unbiblical, says Pule
By Henry Sinyangwe
Mon 20 Jan. 2014, 14:01 CAT

THERE is no spiritual value in making people eat certain foods to get closer to God, says Apostle Dan Pule.

Commenting on a South African church leader, Pastor Lesego Daniel, who has come under fire over reports that he asked members of his congregation to eat grass because 'it would bring them closer to God', Apostle Pule who is Dunamis Christian Centre pastor and Trinity Broadcasting Corporation (TBN) Zambia chapter founder said making people eat grass was an unbiblical practice.

"Its an unbiblical practice, not acceptable as far as I know from the word of God, as eating of food is not something that any pastor can prescribe for his congregants and this practice is definitely an error, and that is a matter that I believe should attract the government's attention to make sure that this kind of thing does not continue," he said.

"There is no spiritual value in what he is doing and so its un-Christian and it does not have anything to do with Christianity, it should be stopped immediately."

Apostle Pule said the bible was very clear in terms of the teachings on how one could get closer to God.

"It is through prayer, the study of the word of God, interaction with fellow Christians, evangelising and of course praying for other people. It is a matter that is straight forward as one doesn't have to do rituals," Apostle Pule said.

He said it was worrying that people took desperate measures to have what they wanted.

"I am aware that there are other people who want to get rich quickly by going to witchcraft and using all sorts of gimmicks in the name of Christianity so that they appear to have more power or to be closer to things, all that is unnecessary," said Apostle Pule.

According to reports, Pastor Daniel, based in Garankuwa, north of Pretoria, told dozens of his followers to eat grass because, 'it will bring them closer to God'.

Daniel made headlines globally after images were shown of his followers lying down in a field and furiously munching grass. Further images were then shown of some followers vomiting.

People were apparently being drawn to the pastor's church, Rabboni Centre Ministries, after it was claimed that he performed miracles.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia has also condemned the act, saying the lack of personal understanding of God's word was leading many people astray.

"We recognise that there are false religions in existence in all the countries and things like this are an unfortunate situations. We cannot see the extent, but we do know that these things exist," said Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia executive director, Reverend Pukuta Mwanza, in an interview.

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