Monday, April 23, 2007


Prevention is better
By Concerned citizen
Monday April 23, 2007 [04:00]

There is no point in merely exposing thieving public civil servants after they have mismanaged and embezzled public money. Even if the culprits are sent to prison, like in the case of Kashiwa Bulaya, no one really benefits from their imprisonment.

Zambians would have already lost greatly. What we need are proper structures, systems and measures that would stop these people from stealing long before they have abused the allocated public resources. As the saying goes: ‘prevention is better than cure’!

The office of the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee must be closely involved in monitoring from the very beginning the money being allocated to the very point when it is spent.

Merely ‘sleeping’ and only to ‘wake-up’ after the money ha been stolen is of no benefit to Zambians. OK, drugs have been left to expire in the warehouse, so what? But where was everybody, including the AG and the PAC when these drugs were getting expired.

What I’m trying to say is that please find ways to stop them before they have stolen.
May be they should be accounting for what they are currently spending and not what they have already spent.

I also suggested on this space on 20th February early this year that citizens must be allowed access to the public funds, budgets and implementation plans, including the books of accounts on their expenditure at all levels of government.

Oasis Forum and the Costitution
By Lupiya, Australia
Monday April 23, 2007 [04:00]

Allow me to contribute on the current debate on the adoption of the new constitution. As an observer of the current debate on the road map to the new constitution, i've found the attitude of the Oasis Forum wanting .

Fisrt, I've noted with concern that the whole process is being reduced to personal attack on President Mwanawasa, which is very unfortunate and very regretable.

Mwanawasa has rightly said that he's a custodian of the the constitution which he indeed swore to defend, regardless of what people think and feel about the current constitution. And therefore to expect him to accept the road map which the Oasis Forum is presenting to the government not only lacks merit but defeats the very core of rule of law which the Forum is supposed to be propagating.

Second, the constitution is very important for the country as we all know and appreciate and it is for this reason that it's adoption is not hurried through because the next generation will just come in and throw it through the window.

The country is not in a constitutional crisis and therefore the need to be level headed during this process. Take a closer look at South Africa which has one of the most liberal constitutions in the world. It was written almost in close hurry for they had to change governments unfortunately one of the articles in the constitution was the right of same sex marriages, the ANC government led by Mbeki had to unwillingly sign into law recognising same sex marriages.

i wish therefore like to remind members of the Oasis Forum that you actually do not have divine wisdom from God on the matters of governance of the country. The people of Nyimba, Lukulu, Zimba, Kaputa and indeed all those from the remote areas of Zambia do not know you and what you stand for. what they want is development such as passable roads, dip tunks and so on.

Do not try to create unecessary tension in the country with your short cuts. whom are you trying to please? Zambia is a democratic country and if you are not happy with Levy's response, go to court as advised. Stop being emotional, be real.



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