Monday, August 25, 2008

(HERALD) Voters will punish you Morgan

Voters will punish you Morgan

EDITOR — This is an open letter to Morgan Tsvangirai. Morgan, some of us voted for you and some didn’t. It is time you showed that you care for those who voted for you so that those who didn’t may see the need to do so next time.

You need to realise that elections will still come in the future despite what happens now.

You need to show that you really care for us and not for headlines in Western newspapers. If, as you said, you cared for us so much that you "withdrew’’ from the run-off, why are you finding it so hard to express that concern by signing the agreement that should pave the way for the resolution of the socio-economic challenges facing the nation?

Many are hungry and starving, it is only now that you can show your love for this country and people that they may vote for you in good times.

When you address your allies, do you talk to the people? Do you take a closer look at many of them?

If you do, you will notice that many are struggling to get by.

Show us that you care. Otherwise our children and your grandchildren will remember these years as "The Years of Tsvangirai’s Famine".

People will ask each other questions like: ‘‘How old were you when Tsvangirai sold us out?’’

Bata pamwe nevamwe tirwise zhara yapinda mumusha (Pull together with others in solving problems besetting the nation.)

Election 2013 is not far away ufunge (you know); voters will punish you.




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