Tuesday, November 11, 2008

(GUARDIAN UK) Responses on Zimbabwe

Aug 12 08, 12:08am

In fact UK promised £500 million to fund land reform but only paid less than 7% or £47 million of the promised funds to the Zimbabwe government and a few people were resettled. After year 2000, more than 300,000 black Zimbabweans were resettled including a very friend of mine who is now a proud owner of a 75 acres plot near Harare. He comes from a very poor family, and this year alone he produced 9 tonnes of maize, 55 bales of cotton and he does have 16 cows of his own. This year`s harvest his greatest harvest in his entire life and to him Robert Gabriel Mugabe his Saviour because the whites grabbed the land from our ancestors and refused to negotiate with government and taking land away from them at all cost and compensating buildings & dams not the land itself was the only option under President Mubage.

The British has been controlling our resources for over hundred years and they still believe that they can still control it using a western sponsored party led by Tsvangirayi, we are now waiting for the President of Zimbabwe to pass into a law for 100% black empowerment and this will allow black Zimbabweans to control our natural resources including mines with foreign partners controlling 49% of our resources. The problem with Britons they wants to control everything at the expense of the natives. I am afraid to say people shall see what will happen in South Africa where 9 million black South Africans still leaves in shanty towns, what is happening in Zimbabwe is a picnic when compared to what will happen in South Africa. One has to remember Black South Africans share the same ancestors as Zimbabweans and they were both oppressed.

If everthing settles in the next few months or years, I want to invite you to Zimbabwe so that you can see for yourseft, my other friend produced 400 bales of tobacco this season, a bale weights 120kg and tobacco price at the auction floor in Harare is going for an average US$4.00 per kg that means he earned us$192,000 this season. 50% of the earned money is paid in foreign currency and the rest in local currency. Personally I have never seen black person here in Africa earning such an amount but today I witnessing it here in my motherland Zimbabwe.

I appeal to the our READERS not to fooled by the democracy being preached by the west, they envy resources in Zimbabwe. In fact President Mugabe is laying the foundation for furure democracy through equality and a fair distribution of resources and very soon truth will come out.

At the moment Zimbabwe facing challenges like shortages of goods because our economy is 80 % owned by the British, and have been externalising goods and at times stopping producing products in order to cause real pain in our people but they forgot that Zimbabweans has a 97% literacy rate the highest in Africa and we all know what is happening. The foreign ownership of anything in Zimbabwe has to be reduced to 49% so that Zimbabweans controls decision making right now all decision are made in boardrooms in London at corporate level suffocating our economy.


Aug 13 08, 1:07am

just because you say something more than once does not make it fact and the idea that sanctions are to blame for Zimbabwe's ills is laughable. How is the fact that Mugabe's wife can no longer shop along the Rue St Honoré, with ill gotten gains, to blame for Zimbabwe's hyperinflation? Smart sanctions target Mugabe, his cronies, the JOC and their families - it was laudable that Australia revoked the student visa of a child of Mugabe's inner circle earlier on this year.

Well, that is the lie and propaganda that I am talking about.

Zimbabwe faces REAL economic sanctions and not targeted sanctions against Mugabe and his wife. As I have posted several times on this board, the USA C9ongress adopted legislation in 2001 that blocks Zimbabwe's access to virtually all international financial institutions, including the IMF and the World Bank. These are blanket economic sanctions and not "targeted" sanctions.

The claim of targeted sanctions is BBC propaganda designed to make Mugabe look bad and white farmers look good. It is part of the overall imperialist war against the country. Commercial farming is just one sector of the Zim economy, and it is a lie to say that seizing stolen land from white farmers caused the country's economic meltdown.

Do a little google search and stop taking about "targeted sanctions."

The British are not interested in elections or democracy, all they care about is getting their hand on the country's resources.

This is essentially the histiry of Britain in Africa. Nothing has changed. How can you promote democracy in a country by openly funding one party headed by your puppet against the other?

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