Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Teta writes Katele over Banda’s MMD presidency

Teta writes Katele over Banda’s MMD presidency
Written by Noel Sichalwe
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 6:44:37 AM

MMD information chairman Ben Tetamashimba has written to national secretary Katele Kalumba suggesting that President Rupiah Banda should be appointed party president. And Tetamashimba has also questioned why senior party officials and members have been referring to national chairman Michael Mabenga as acting party president contrary to the party constitution.

Meanwhile, Tetamashimba has requested Kalumba to conduct an audit and establish why President Banda lost in some constituencies, which had MMD members of parliament.

This is according to the letter dated November 3, 2008 addressed to Kalumba and copied to President Banda, Mabenga and party chairman for legal committee Bwalya Chiti.

Tetamashimba stated that since the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting on September 5, 2008 when the party chose President Banda as the presidential candidate, MMD members, including himself, had consistently referred to Mabenga as acting party president.

However, he stated that he had read the party constitution, which clearly implied that the position of MMD party president was not a casual vacancy and that it could only be filled when it becomes vacant by the NEC.

Tetamashimba noted that not even the NEC had the mandate or powers to elect a party president.

Tetamashimba stated that according to the MMD constitution, the vice-president of the party could act as president just like the vice national chairman could act as chairman.

"There is no provision for the national chairman to act as party president except to perform functions assigned to the national chairman by the president. Being assigned these functions does not [mean], in my understanding to act," Tetamashimba stated. "The above article to me does not allow the national chairman or any other NEC member to act unless there is a decision of NEC to appoint one of its members of the party to act until the next national convention.

"The national chairman cannot act as either vice-president or president as seems to be implied by the current scenario on the acting appointment of the national chairman. I am a believer in constitutionalism and would be grateful if the clauses creating misunderstanding could be brought before the NEC for a final decision."

He further observed that there was a precedent in MMD where the party presidency had been given in the acting capacity to the Republican President through the NEC.

Tetamashimba said he had reservations with the position where an acting appointment that was not discussed in NEC had been legalised to the public.

"I am therefore, proposing that the Head of State, His Excellency the President, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda be the acting president since the Republican President had even before his election as Republican President been the main party fundraiser. Until the National Executive Committee elects a party vice-president from amongst its members, the party should consider whoever would be appointed Republican Vice-President to be acting or elected party vice-president by the National Executive Committee," he contended.

He stated that if any person other than President Banda was elected Republican President, he could have given the same advice on the current political position.

Tetamashimba said since acting appointments were unconstitutional as there was no NEC decision made, the issue should be an agenda item during the next NEC meeting and that members should be informed about what he described as illegal appointments.

He stated that he would be ready to present his case if need arose.

Tetamashimba also requested Kalumba to conduct an audit as to why the party lost even in constituencies where the party had MMD members of parliament.

Tetamashimba stated that this was important especially that for the first time ever, the MMD candidate placed in each constituency over 10 bales of chitenge material, T-shirts and over K30 million.

Efforts to get a comment from Kalumba proved futile.

But when contacted for comment, Mabenga said he had not received any letter from Tetamashimba.

"I have not seen that letter and I cannot discuss these matters in the press, thank you," said Mabenga.

On Sunday, Western Province MMD chairman Simasiku Namakando said President Banda's authority would be undermined if NEC did not appoint him acting party president.

Namakando's comments came in the wake of calls by some MMD members on the Copperbelt who last week said President Banda should be appointed as the party's acting president.

But Mabenga had said such calls should be ignored.

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