Monday, November 10, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) Billy Kaunda to contest in DPP re-run primaries

Billy Kaunda to contest in DPP re-run primaries
Judith Moyo 10 November, 2008 01:21:00

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Wildlife, Billy Kaunda has indicated he will contest the re-run of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) primaries in Mzimba West.

DPP secretariat said it will re-run the primaries in which Kaunda withdrew because of “flawed and manipulative process”.

Kaunda who is sitting Member of Parliament for Blantyre City East wanted to contest in Mzimba West his home village for the 2009 general elections.

However, the musician-cum-politician has entered the race again to DPP Regional Governor in the north Harry Mkandawire.

DPP secretary general Henry Chimunthu Banda said the party will re-run primaries where there are “genuine complaints” only.

“We have put in place a mechanism to iron out the issues,” said Chimunthu Banda.

“There are other genuine complaints. We are working together to promote ideals of the party,” he said.

“It’s not automatic that where ever there are complaints we will hold re-run. There will be some complaints that we will be genuine,” said Chimunthu Banda tipped to be President Bingu Mutharika running mate in 2009 polls.

Kaunda is backing Mutharika-Chimunthu ticket while Mkandawire is for Bingu-Goodall ticket.

Mkandawire won the earlier DPP primary elections against Huxley Zgambo.

The primaries which took place at Enkhweleni full primary school on Wednesday, in Traditional Authority Mpherembe. The governor was voted by 1,009 against 41 for Zgambo.

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