Wednesday, December 03, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Defence chiefs warn unruly soldiers

Defence chiefs warn unruly soldiers
Tendai Midzi in Harare
Wed, 03 Dec 2008 01:33:00 +0000

ZIMBABWE'S Minister of Defence and security chiefs have issued a warning to members of the armed forces who attacked money transfer agencies and looted shops in the capital on Monday.

Groups of unarmed soldiers in full military gear terrorised banks, money transfer agencies and looted shops expressing anger over failure to access cash from banks. The soldiers blamed MTAs and shops for the shortages of cash in banks.

Approximately 100 soldiers terrorised the streets of Harare on Monday.

Zimbabwe's Minister of Defence, Sydney Sekeramayi, the Commanders of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General Constantine Chiwenga, Zimbabwe National Army Lieutenant-General Phillip Sibanda, Air Vice Marshal Henry Muchena, Police Deputy Commissioner-General (Operations) Innocent Matibiri and other senior officials from the President’s Office and Cabinet issued a warning to members of the armed forces at a press conference held in the country.

Sekeramayi said such "deplorable behaviour" was unacceptable and the full weight of the law will be employed to deal with such elements.

"These acts are unacceptable, deplorable, reprehensible and criminal," Sekeramayi said adding that that "those who may try to incite some members of the uniformed forces to indulge in illegal activities will equally be found culpable."

The minister said the incidents will be thoroughly investigated and those responsible would be brought to book.

He said measures had been put in place to ensure that such acts of violence would not recur.

He urged all Zimbabweans across the political divide to desist from destructive activity and allow the political process in the country to take its natural trajectory.

The minister was supported in that call by security chiefs who castigated the behaviour of the soldiers which they said was tantamount to acts of mercenarism.

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