Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Auditor General’s report

Auditor General’s report
Written by Kaunda Wisdom
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:37:39 PM

It is saddening to know that huge sums of money are continually being plundered at the expense of national development. It is totally unacceptable to continue seeing the misuse of national resources without any affirmative action taken against erring officers.

The fight against corruption seems to be just lip service by most politicians. It seems stealing is part of work in the government and no one can take control of the situation. What is happening in Zambia is disgusting. We have thieves controlling government institutions including security wings such that it is impossible to bring sanity. It is time the fight against misuse of public funds was taken seriously by all patriotic zambians.

The civil society has the right to use the Auditor General’s report to take culprits to court. We can't leave the fight against corruption to the President alone.

The delivery of social services in our country is on its knees and we are just idle while our money is being misused. I challenge the major civic organisations in Zambia to come together and formulate a plan on how we can recover our money because the government has proved to have failed to bring the culprits to book.

Otherwise, it is meaningless to be talking about development if we just complain without taking any action.

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