Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Robinson advises on cattle restocking

Robinson advises on cattle restocking
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe in Chisamba
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:10:18 AM

FORMER ZNFU president Guy Robinson has observed that the most effective way of ensuring successful cattle restocking in the country is to preserve the existing animals.

And president of Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) Jervis Zimba has said the biggest challenge facing the local crop production is the low yields per hectare.

Speaking last Friday on the sidelines of Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited sponsored Open Day at Golden Valley Agriculture Research Training (GART), Robinson explained that it was cheaper to preserve the existing animals than to replenish.

Robinson observed that for a long time, diseases had continued to wipe out possible growth in the local livestock sector.

He commended the government for increased allocation in this year's budget to the livestock sector and also bisecting the agriculture ministry, with one specifically to deal with the livestock sector.

"I believe we don't need to spend so much money on restocking but the successful animal restocking exercise is to ensure we protect the existing animals from diseases," Robinson said.

And Zimba said there was need to empower local farmers with improved farming techniques to ensure productivity and increase the country's crop output.

Zimba observed that the country's crop output lagged behind in the region.

Zimba, who explained that while the average maize per yield per hectare in Zambia was about three to four tonnes, the average yield per hectare in the region was about 11 tonnes, and that the situation also made local agricultural products uncompetitive on the international market.

"Can you imagine how much we can achieve as a country if we improve the way we do our farming?" asked Zimba. "That is why we are partnering with institutions like GART to ensure our farmers adopt the techniques of modern farming."

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