Monday, April 06, 2009

Apologise, Scott urges Banda

Apologise, Scott urges Banda
Written by Patson Chilemba
Monday, April 06, 2009 3:34:40 PM

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) vice-president Guy Scott yesterday urged President Rupiah Banda to apologise to the nation over his lies on Zambian Airways and The Post. Commenting on President Banda's claim that The Post had pocketed US $30 million, Scott said the Republican President was trying to settle scores with The Post because he perceived that the newspaper campaigned against him during last year's presidential elections.

Scott said even former Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Roy Lewinsky behaved in the same manner against newspapers and other critical voices. He asked President Banda to humble himself and apologise over his lies.

"In a perfect country someone who has lied, especially a leader holding higher office, would come out and apologise and even morally resign. But we are not going to have a President who apologises. We have one is managing to unite the opposition," he said.

Scott said investigations against Zambian Airways should be done properly if there was any wrongdoing and that criminal allegations should not be used as a basis for politicking.

"So whether it's allegations of homosexuality or criminal theft, it's useless if it is used as political weaponry," he said.

Scott said President Banda was managing to unite critical voices against him because of his hostility and vindictiveness.

He said several key individuals and organisations like the Roman Catholic Church, United Party for National Development (UPND), Heritage Party and PF had stayed away from the indaba because of President Banda's vindictiveness.

Scott said President Banda had failed to unify the nation since his narrow and disputed election victory.

"It's [indaba boycott] the consensus of who is with who. Even UPND some of them used to think they would get jobs, they are voting with PF. He's managing to unite the opposition by being vindictive," said Scott.

"We've got one who is unifying the opposition. Some who are not known opposition are becoming more critical. I have been trying to unify the opposition but His Excellency Rupiah Banda is doing the job for me."



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