Sunday, April 19, 2009

Banda shouldn’t harbour people of low integrity – TIZ

Banda shouldn’t harbour people of low integrity – TIZ
Written by George Chellah
Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:27:23 AM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda should not harbour men and women of low integrity in his government, Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) president Reuben Lifuka has said.

And Lifuka said it is high time the MMD government practically demonstrated its own political campaign for zero tolerance to corruption.

Reacting to President Banda's recent remarks that he was aware of some people within his government that are fattening their pockets and that he was looking into ways and means of by-passing them subsequently, Lifuka said President Banda's statement could go without comment.

"It is our view that the President should not harbour in his government, men and women of low integrity. And going by his own admission, President Banda should do the honourable thing and ensure that all culprits are brought to book immediately, instead of reducing himself to a mere complainant when he has all constitutional powers to act," he said.

Lifuka said it is high time the MMD government practically demonstrated its own political campaign against corruption.

"And this can be done by ensuring prudent management of public resources. It is our contention that officials alleged to be fattening their pockets in the MMD government should be removed immediately and fresh blood brought in to foster development," Lifuka said.

"As TIZ, we want to take this opportunity to advise President Banda to strengthen his own monitoring of Cabinet ministers and government officials - some of whom are simply not measuring up to the lofty ideals of zero tolerance to corruption."

Lifuka urged President Banda to make it his priority to run a clean government.

"He should not tolerate any of his ministers or government officials who condone bribery, fraud and other corrupt activities. Lack of action on the part of President Banda, has serious reputational risks, especially to the country as a whole," said Lifuka.

"We will be waiting to see what actions follow and we are reminded that even the late president Mwanawasa at one point indicated that there were corrupt ministers and officials in his government - but he did little to act immediately.

Unfortunately, this lack of action is entrenching impunity, which subsequently leads to systemic and endemic corruption."

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