Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ZNFU advises govt to take livestock production seriously

ZNFU advises govt to take livestock production seriously
Written by George Zulu in Monze
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:55:53 AM

ZAMBIA National Farmers Union (ZNFU) Monze district Chairperson Simon Malambo has asked the government to take livestock production seriously for Zambia to attract international attention in the industry.

And livestock and fisheries minister Bradford Machila has called for stiffer punishment against people found wanting by the courts of law for stock theft in order to address increased cattle thefts in Southern Province.

During a meeting with farmers in Monze, Malambo said there was need for the government to find other ways of growing the country’s economy through improved livestock farming and production to attract the international demands.

He said the current global economic crisis should be a wake-up call for leaders to implement diversification than heavily depending on copper mining alone.

“Agriculture, particularly livestock production can be one of Zambia’s major foreign exchange earners as long as we provide the required attention such as effective disease control and preventive measures. We need proper support, the sector can fare favourably on the export market and Zambia should be able to enter the European market in livestock production exports,” said Malambo.

And Machila said there was need to stiffen stock theft laws to safeguard the livestock sector in the province.

“I am distressed by reports that even people who are supposed to protect livestock (police) are facilitating cattle rustlers to move animals from one district to another. I take full responsibilities in this ministry, so there is need to increase sentences for those found wanting by the courts of law and what I believe is we should state a high minimal sentence as opposed to what is found in the laws of the land,” he said.

“I am very confident and certain that we shall get the support that we need in Parliament when we bring the bill to have the law amended. I also got concerned about complaints by the involvement of some police officers abetting cattle rustling in the province; we shall discuss the best way out of this with the Minister of Home Affairs,” said Machila who was also given a one-month ultimatum in which to have the matter of livestock theft addressed in the province.

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