Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Rupiah won’t go anywhere with ‘terrorists’ – Puta

Rupiah won’t go anywhere with ‘terrorists’ – Puta
Written by Patson Chilemba
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:46:09 PM

SENIOR chief Puta of the Bwile people of Luapula Province yesterday said President Rupiah Banda will not go anywhere if he continues surrounding himself with 'terrorists' like Mike Mulongoti and Benny Tetamashimba.

Reacting to works and supply minister Mulongoti's statement that he [chief Puta] should respect government officials because respect was reciprocal, chief Puta said he had a lot of respect for President Banda.

However, he said the President should rid himself of people like Mulongoti and MMD spokesperson Tetamashimba.

He said there were a lot of capable people President Banda could work with rather than Tetamashimba and Mulongoti.

"Otherwise, I will instruct my people to start throwing stones against the government if they continue to push me too hard. I will de-campaign President Rupiah Banda if they continue pushing me. I'll tell my people to de-campaign President Banda. I will go against my conscience if they push me too hard," chief Puta said.

He said while he campaigned for President Banda during last year's presidential election, Mulongoti robbed the President significant votes especially in Lusaka and the Copperbelt because of his disgraceful utterances.

Chief Puta said Molongoti was enjoying his [chief Puta's] sweat.

"I don't think he [President Banda] can go anywhere. President Banda won't go anywhere if he continues with Tetamashimba and Mulongoti. They are the ones who are misleading him. When president [Levy] Mwanawasa died, they were the ones who started speaking against him," chief Puta said. "That's what they are, they are terrorists. I have a lot of respect for President Banda so I don't want people like Tetamashimba and Mulongoti."

Chief Puta said Mulongoti was one of the enemies who were attacking his subject, MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba.

On Mulongoti's statement that he [chief Puta] should respect government officials because respect was reciprocal, chief Puta said the statement by the works and supply minister showed that he had no respect for chiefs even from areas where he came from.

He said chiefs should be respected even more than presidents.

"I think he will be punished by God because he is instructing his friend to insult me by saying it will be normal for Tetamashimba to react in the same manner I spoke about him," chief Puta said.

He said Mulongoti should thank President Banda for the ministerial position because there was nowhere in the country where he could be elected member of parliament. Chief Puta also said Tetamashimba should be cited for contempt of court for commenting on Kalumba's cases when the court process was still ongoing.

Last week, Mulongoti asked chief Puta to respect government officials, saying respect is reciprocal. He said it was not fair for chief Puta to get involved in the matter involving Tetamashimba and Kalumba. Mulongoti's comments follow chief Puta's statement that he would not allow Tetamashimba's stupidity of insulting Kalumba anymore,

Chief Puta's remarks came in the wake of comments by Tetamashimba that Kalumba should step aside after being put on his defence to answer corruption charges. Tetamashimba had said the MMD would not allow a person who had been put on his defence to continue administering party matters and later on contest the party presidency.

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