Tuesday, May 05, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zuma to continue supporting Zimbabwe

Zuma to continue supporting Zimbabwe
Ralph Mutema
Tue, 05 May 2009 11:50:00 +0000

THE incoming government of Jacob Zuma in South Africa has vowed to continue supporting Zimbabwe and ensuring that the inclusive Government delivers. The ANC party's treasurer-general Mathews Phosa told international investors in in London this weekend that the inclusive Government must be given a chance to succeed.

There had been speculation in some circles that South Africa's president-designate Jacob Zuma would take a hard-line stance against Zimbabwe.

"We will continue to support the Zimbabwean process to ensure that there is normalisation and democratisation in Zimbabwe. We need to continue to support the sensitive aspect of life in Zimbabwe as it affects people. For example, health affects the economy of Zimbabwe," Phosa said.

Finance Minister, Tendai Biti, who is also the Secretary-General of the Movement for Democratic Change party last week said he expected President-elect Zuma to move away from former President Mbeki's policy of "quiet diplomacy".

"I know that man. I have had several meetings with him," said Biti referring to Zuma. ". 'I don't think it will be quiet diplomacy."

Following the formation of the inclusive Government in February, Zimbabwe has received numerous pledges of assistance and has also managed to secure lines of credit from regional countries and organisations.

Zimbabwe has secured lines of credit amounting to US$400 million from the region to revive operations of local companies in yet another sign that the international community is warming up to the latest developments in the country.

Zuma has indicated that he is supportive of the political process in Zimbabwe and critics say he is likely to continue with the policies of former Presidents Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe.

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