Monday, May 25, 2009

Singh accuses govt of denying local transporters contracts

Singh accuses govt of denying local transporters contracts
Written by Margaret Habbuno
Monday, May 25, 2009 3:54:09 PM

TRUCKERS Association of Zambia (TAZ) chairman Satwant Singh has accused the government of awarding transport contracts to foreigners at the expense of local transporters.

In an interview, Singh said most local companies had been forced to park most of their trucks due to lack of business and they were considering laying off thousands of workers.

"We want the government to intervene in this matter of giving contracts to foreign nations to do business here in our county at the expenses of we the local transports. Our government is too weak to protect the local transporters and currently, we have parked all our trucks because there is no business for us the local transporters," Singh said last Friday.

He said the association had written to former minister of communications and transport Dora Silliya but that she did not respond.

"On several occasions, we have written to the minister of transport and communications, in the letters we indicated the many challenges we are facing as transporters but the government has never responded to any of our letters." Singh complained.

"Right now, as I’m talking to you, I have more than 123 workers just seated outside, no job to offer them."

And TAZ vice-chairman Collins Nzovu said it was unfortunate that the government had continued to give contracts to foreigners and turned a blind eye to the local transporters.

"If you go in the roads right now, you will find foreign trucks working and not Zambian-owned trucks. 70 trucks are parked at our offices because there is no business to work on, all the business has been given to foreigners," Nzovu said.

He said there were a lot of loopholes in the transport sector that the government needed to urgently address.

"We keep on wondering if at all the continuous offer of contracts to the foreigners, most of whom are South Africans, is because the local transporters are incompetent," he said.

Nzovu said the government should protect local transporters.

"You cannot go to South Africa as a Zambian citizen to go and grab their business like they are doing it here in Zambia. The government should stop giving so much power to the foreigners. If this matter is not addressed as soon as possible, we are going to lay off 6,000 workers," Nzovu said.

Efforts to get a comment from acting communications and transport minister Felix Mutati proved futile.

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