Monday, June 15, 2009

Mpombo accuses HH of fuelling strikes

Mpombo accuses HH of fuelling strikes
Written by George Chellah
Monday, June 15, 2009 3:14:05 PM

DEFENCE minister George Mpombo yesterday described the strike by health workers as a humanitarian crisis. And Mpombo warned UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema not to be a champion of political destabilisation in the country, saying to add fuel to a burning fire is cheap leadership.

Reacting to Hichilema's statement that the current situation in the country was volatile, Mpombo said Hichilema's observation on the current situation amounts to irresponsible political hallucination.

“What we have is an industrial situation which government is trying to address. Let leaders like Hichilema not play a partisan blame game,” Mpombo said. “When we have a situation like this one, it affects the economic performance of a country.”

Mpombo said the present situation did not pose a threat to national security.

“The current industrial situation is not at a level where we can say the national security is at a threat. They are blowing the situation out of context,” Mpombo said.

He said there was need for all stakeholders, including the opposition political parties, to come together with the government and address the issue.

“It's not a point of trying to extract political mileage out of a humanitarian crisis like this. We must combine efforts together,” Mpombo said.

He said Hichilema's infantile politics never ceases to amaze him.

“It's folly of the highest magnitude for anybody trying to extract political mileage out this. This is not time for cheap politics,” Mpombo said. “It is sad that we have leadership that is trigger happy. The trigger-happy leadership is the kind of leadership Hichilema belongs to.”

Mpombo explained that there had been economic difficulties world-over because of the economic crunch.

“It's a worldwide economic imbroglio. To add fuel to a burning fire is cheap leadership. We must not paint a picture that we are on the verge of collapse as a country in terms of security,” Mpombo said.

“He should refrain from this kind of cheap politics. He should not be a champion of political destabilisation. They should understand the negative effects of their sweeping statements. Once you say that, you are sending a wrong message to the international community.”

Mpombo said the nation could resolve strike actions through negotiations on the table.

“The hype of political chicanery and politicians sort of trying to aggravate the prevailing industrial unrest by issuing politically insensitive statements are clearly calculated to create further disturbances,” he said.

Mpombo stressed that the government wanted everybody’s support.

“Of late Hichilema has become a loose political cannon. There is no need for him to be a loose political cannon. Issues must be based on rationality,” Mpombo said.

“Continued strikes have a destabilising ripple effects. We need the support of everybody. Posterity will judge them harshly if they continue issuing such statements.”

Last week, Hichilema described the current situation in the country as volatile. He expressed dissatisfaction at the government's response to the strike by civil servants. He said it was clear that the government was not in control of the country.

"We don't want them to risk the security of the nation. That's why, seeing Lungwangwa (education minister) speaking on television, I said to myself 'God help Zambia, why did you give us such mediocre leadership?'" Hichilema asked.

"MMD must just accept that they have no President except someone who is masquerading as minister of foreign affairs, 'Mr. Holiday is forever'. Look at the strikes how they have extended to other ministries. He should have left the Minister of Finance to attend the World Economic Forum and come back home."

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