Sunday, August 09, 2009

Levy’s legacy seems to be falling into a ditch, says Mpombo

Levy’s legacy seems to be falling into a ditch, says Mpombo
Written by Jane Mwakasungula
Sunday, August 09, 2009 9:30:53 PM

FORMER defence minister George Mpombo has said there is urgent need for the MMD leadership to defend late president Levy Mwanawasa's legacy that seems to be falling into a ditch. In an interview, Mpombo who resigned from his ministerial position recently warned that failure to uphold the legacy would yield regrettable consequences to the party in the 2011 general elections.

"The Mwanawasa legacy has to be retained. The MMD should uphold the principles of the legacy if we are to win in 2011. It should correct the impression that the legacy has been ditched," Mpombo said.

Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta member of parliament, said that political puppets in the MMD would never intimidate him, saying he was a principled man.

"I will not give political puppets in my party prominence. They can never intimidate me. I resigned on principle and I am a fighter who can never succumb to dictates of irresponsible behaviour. I never chickened out. I resigned because I had my internal antenna, which is my conscious. I will not allow any birds to make nests in my head. I do not run away from challenges like them," he said.

Mpombo also urged parliamentarians not to treat their positions as personal title deeds but rather give chance to young people to get into politics.

"People should not treat positions of MP as personal title deeds. I have decided not to contest in 2011 because I want to give chance to young leaders. If I were to contest, I would bounce back with a huge margin because my approval rating in constituencies is very high. It is over 80 per cent. I want to support young leaders to get into politics. No one should look at themselves as being indispensable," Mpombo said. "Others with great brains have died but the world is still running. There are so many things one can do apart from being a minister or an MP. I can contribute meaningfully to my country without a political position."

Mpombo said there was a lot of antagonism towards him from certain individuals in the MMD who were trying to use government machinery to harass him.

"I know of a few individuals who are trying to use government machinery to harass me. For instance, they are refusing me to buy the ministerial vehicle on flimsy grounds. I qualify to do that because I have served close to three years. I know it's political persecutions but they will not frustrate me. I know of those not qualified but have bought government cars," said Mpombo.

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