Sunday, August 23, 2009

‘Shikapwasha’s statement on Catholic Church was unfair’

‘Shikapwasha’s statement on Catholic Church was unfair’
Written by George Chellah
Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:50:54 AM

UPND vice-president Richard Kapita yesterday said information minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha's attacks on the Catholic Church were unfair.

Commenting on Lt Gen Shikapwasha's ministerial statement to Parliament on the violence against journalists by MMD cadres in which he accused the Catholic Church of having perpetrated the Rwanda genocide of 1994, Kapita expressed displeasure with Lt Gen Shikapwasha's ministerial statement in Parliament.

"It was very unfair that a leader of Shikapwasha's standing could issue a statement like that on the floor of the House. I think that we all learnt that you do not go to Parliament to attack institutions or individuals who are not in Parliament to defend themselves," Kapita said. "That's why we are saying to the people that please wake up. The Zambians must not say 'well I’m not in politics it's for politicians'. Our rights are being eroded every day, the country is being looted every day, look at the happenings to our courts of law. Surely, if we had a Judiciary that is worth calling a Judiciary...with Chiluba being acquitted."

Giving a ministerial statement, Lt Gen Shikapwasha accused the church of trying to jostle for who they should put into State House.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said the church in Rwanda took sides with newspapers and radio stations, which were fanning out falsehoods and propaganda that led to the genocide.

"The church blindly took sides in opposing camps such that it is reported Mr Speaker that 'after a century of Christian proselytisation the country was catholicised but not Christianised. Ritual was generally followed but the spirit was missing. This became tragically evident for the church, only after April to May 1994, when its people slaughtered their brethren wholesale inside the churches on orders from civil authorities and priests. This Mr Speaker is because the church took sides with men. The church must take sides with God," said Lt Gen Shikapwasha. "I see that the church in Zambia is taking sides with man rather than taking sides with God. We see the church in Zambia taking no stand against the things that God abhors. Where is the church when the newspaper is insulting the head of state? Where is the church when young men are insulting old men? Is it not the church to reconcile God's people in the country?

"The church is busy with trying to jostle for who they should put into State House, forgetting their mandate. Others are dishing out second hand clothing in the campaign for the pact. Others feel if a person does not belong to a certain political party, they are not Christian enough. Mr Speaker, all this used to happen in Rwanda before the genocide. The church failed in Rwanda, 25 priests have so far been imprisoned for genocide. The church in Zambia must learn from the lessons in Rwanda, the Spirit of God must rule in the lives of people. If there is any pact, that one should be packeted with it is Jesus. Therefore, my appeal to the church through you Mr Speaker and through this August House is seek ye first the Kingdom of God and Zambia shall be saved from calamities."

Lt Gen Shikapwasha also justified violence against journalists by MMD cadres, saying President Banda's supporters demand that the President be given due respect by The Post.

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