Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Chiluba is a hypocrite – Kalala

Chiluba is a hypocrite – Kalala
Written by George Chellah
Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:27:26 PM

FORMER State House chief policy analyst Jack Kalala yesterday described former president Frederick Chiluba as a hypocrite whose insinuations about the death of president Levy Mwanawasa are a pack of nonsense. In an interview, Kalala said Chiluba had been trying to insinuate that late president Mwanawasa's death was a punishment.

“These claims are a pack of nonsense as they are a misleading. By so doing, Chiluba is demonstrating that he is heartless because he is not taking into account the effect that his utterances would have on the bereaved family and particularly the children,” Kalala said.

“And it goes to demonstrate that he does not believe in God because if he believed in God he will be sensitive and alive to the feelings of the late president and those who have lost and he would sympathise with them. And in addition, if he believed in God he would also be alive to the fact that after the fall of man in Eden, every human being is destined to die just like Christ did. It's only after death that man will live forever.”

Kalala said it seemed Chiluba prayed for late president Mwanawasa's death.

“When president Mwanawasa fell sick and his illness was announced, there were prayers around the country to pray for his recovery and Chiluba's church where he goes and his pastors also held the prayers. It seems these prayers were not for the recovery of president Mwanawasa, they were praying for his death and this has given them joy and cause for celebration,” Kalala said.

“But let me tell them that the Bible says 'the death of one that belongs to the Lord is precious in his sight,' that's in Psalms 116 v 15. What they are trying to imply that president Mwanawasa's death is punishment is just nonsensical.”

He said late president Mwanawasa had achieved his mission on earth that God had given him.

“That cannot be considered to be a punishment. The fight against corruption is not ungodly, it's Godly! It's written in the Bible to fight for the poor, Proverbs 31 v 8-9. President Mwanawasa was doing God's work, he didn't say he was president to protect the interests of an individual,” Kalala said. “Chiluba at his level should not use the church to mislead people that president Mwanawasa's death is punishment from God, it's not true! He is attributing his acquittal to God. In my view, that is blasphemy because there is nothing Godly or Christian about his acquittal.”

He said Chiluba's acquittal raised more questions than answers.

“There are many people who have been acquitted but has this become controversial? There is nothing Godly or Christian about his acquittal. Acquittals should not be attributed to prayers but facts. Criminals have been acquitted before. It's misleading to claim that if one has been acquitted it's because he is a Christian,” Kalala said. “In the Bible, Barabus was acquitted, was he innocent? Jesus Christ was convicted was he guilty? It's not always that if a person is acquitted then he is innocent, no! Not necessarily. There are people who have been convicted and long after they are dead it is found that they were innocent. I am not saying he is guilty but why is he resisting the appeal?”

Kalala said it was not everyone who claimed to be a Son of God who was a Christian.

“Jesus said, 'you will know them by their fruits'. President Mwanawasa was not wrong in the action he took on this matter, on his stand against corruption. I worked with him closely; he had nothing personal against Chiluba. My advice to Chiluba is that he should stop abusing the word of God, he should stop abusing the death of president Mwanawasa,” Kalala said. “If he wants to go on abusing president Mwanawasa's death then I, Jack Kalala will stand to defend president Mwanawasa because he is not here to defend himself. And there is nothing special to show that Chiluba is anointed. If he wants, I can take him on biblically to show that he is just a sinner like everyone else.”

He said the problem with Chiluba was that he thought Zambians forgot easily and would not remember his past deeds.

“Or maybe Chiluba himself forgets his past deeds. Is it not Chiluba who arrested Kaunda without lifting his immunity? He also invited Scotland Yard to investigate Kaunda without having his immunity lifted. He even exposed the tunnels to prove a point that Kaunda had been extravagant and abused people's money. He refused to give Kaunda his retirement benefits on the pretext that Kaunda involved himself in active politics,” said Kalala.

“But today, Chiluba is involving himself in politics and enjoying his benefits. He is a hypocrite. His declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation amounts to nothing, it's not something to brag about because even before he declared Zambia a Christian nation, it belonged to God. So what value did it add to Zambia? After all God says 'Heaven is My stool and earth is My footstool so what house can you build Me. Everything in this world belongs to Him, all the people in this world belong to Him. What is important is to do God's will, full stop! All human beings on earth are special in His eyes. To whom else can a country belong?”

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