Monday, September 21, 2009

ZCC optimistic over enactment of consumer protection bill

ZCC optimistic over enactment of consumer protection bill
Written by Florence Bupe
Monday, September 21, 2009 4:46:24 PM

THE Zambia Competition Commission (ZCC) has expressed optimism that the enactment of the Competition and Consumer Protection Bill will address the inadequacies in the provision of consumer protection in Zambia.

ZCC consumer and public relations director Brian Lingela stated that the institution was in support of the Bill as it would help strengthen the legal framework governing consumer affairs in the country.

“The Zambia Competition Commission welcomes President Rupiah Banda’s announcement that government will be introducing a Competition and Consumer Protection Bill in Parliament soon to strengthen the legal framework governing competition and consumer protection in Zambia,” he stated.

Lingela observed that the current competition and fair trading Act Cap 417 of the Laws of Zambia was inadequate in providing comprehensive consumer protection.

He expressed contentment that the Bill, which was already in an advanced stage, would come to fruition and help improve the consumer protection environment in the country.

“We are impressed that this process has actually already reached an advanced stage, as the Ministry of Justice is working on a draft in readiness for submission to Parliament by the Minister of Commerce. This will result in the amendment and subsequent replacement of the competition and fair trading Act,” he stated.

Lingela hoped that the new law would give legal powers to ZCC to mete out punishment to offenders, as opposed to the current system where the commission relied on courts.

“The court process has a tendency to take long before consumers derive benefits. We also envisage that the commission will have powers to seize and destroy defective goods after consultation with relevant statutory boards,” he stated.

Once the new law is enacted, ZCC is set to be renamed the Zambia Competition and Consumer Commission (ZCCC).

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