Monday, October 26, 2009

‘Casualisation weakening trade unionism’

‘Casualisation weakening trade unionism’
By Chibaula Silwamba
Mon 26 Oct. 2009, 04:00 CAT

THE rise in casualisation and contract jobs is weakening trade unionism in Zambia, the Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers (ZUFIAW) has said.

In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, ZUFIAW president Cephas Mukuka said the trade union movement was worried about the increase in casual and contract workers especially in the banking sector.

“It’s very sad that jobs in the financial sector are now on contract basis. This is a very bad development which has to be addressed urgently,” Mukuka said. “Casualisation and contract employment will weaken trade unionism if not checked and reserved.”

He said the government and the trade unions were losing a lot of money because casual workers were not paying Pay As Your Earn (PAYE) tax and subscription fees to the unions.

“Us in the labour movement, our strength is in number of members but if workers are not on permanent employment, they can’t belong to the union,” Mukuka said.
He said banks in Zambia were culprits in exploiting Zambians by not employing them on permanent basis.

“This must come to an end. It’s very unfair to Zambians,” he said.
Mukuka further demanded the reinstatement of 38 Spar supermarket employees whose contracts were terminated.

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