Monday, October 26, 2009

Govt has neglected liberation heroes, charges Tilyenji

Govt has neglected liberation heroes, charges Tilyenji
By Agness Changala
Mon 26 Oct. 2009, 04:01 CAT

UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda yesterday charged that the MMD government has neglected and marginalised heroes who liberated Zambia during the struggle for independence.

In his message to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United National Independence Party (UNIP), Tilyenji, however, said Zambians were fortunate today that despite these heroes being neglected and marginalised, some were still alive.

“We are fortunate that in Zambia today…some of these heroes, though neglected and still marginalised, especially after the change in government in 1991, are still alive and some celebrate with us today,” he said. “We remember them today because they are worth remembering...”

Tileynji said those who struggled for Zambia’s independence not only founded the Zambian nation but also invested in the life of its people.
“They built colleges, universities, hospitals, clinics, agriculture institutions and generally put up infrastructure development facility that today still remains the pride of Zambia,” he said.

Tulyenji said the heroes created jobs and a common wealth for Zambians and worked for all families and not just for themselves.

He said even when they were still struggling for their freedom, they did not hesitate to assist other countries when it was necessary.
And Tilyenji called for strong social and economic programmes that could create a new environment for every Zambian.

“We must insist on economic and social rights being enshrined in a new constitution for Zambia,” said Tilyenji.

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