Tuesday, November 10, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Hitschmann should testify in Bennett's case

Hitschmann should testify in Bennett's case
Farai Mupita (alias) - Opinion
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:49:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - I read on your website that Roy Bennett's terrorism case was adjourned until Wednesday November 11 2009, so he could consider a defense motion to have a prosecution witness, convicted criminal and weapons dealer Peter Michael Hitschmann, removed from the case.

They argue that he was tortured in prison, so his evidence is inadmissible. I would have thought that the more the witnesses the better the justice. Anybody who fights to prevent a witness from giving evidence obviously knows that the evidence is not only true, but will weigh against their case.

Only unscupulous and quack lawyers fight to prevent any witness from giving evidence.

Credible lawyers allow anyone to present any evidence and then crush the same evidence in cross examination. This is what happenes in a fair trial.

Bennett's lawyers are behaving like they know that their client is guilty and they are determined to throw all sorts of spanners in the wheels of the justice so that the guilty verdict on their client can be delayed ad infinitum in the hope that some political miracle may abort the whole trial.

It is not in the interests of justice for Hitschmann's case to end at his conviction and jailing. The unanswered questions that were raised during his trial must be pursued and it is likely, to any reasonable mind, that the answers may unfold during this Bennett's trial.

To attempt to de-link these two obviously related cases is an attempt to defeat the course of justice itself and only outlaws and terrorists stand to benefit if Judge Chinembiri Bhunu rules in favour of the defense.

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