Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Namulambe didn’t make a tribal statement - Dr Puma

Namulambe didn’t make a tribal statement - Dr Puma
By George Chellah
Wed 02 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

COMMERCE deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma yesterday said it is completely out of context to interpret science, technology and vocational training minister Gabriel Namulambe's observations as a tribal statement.

In an interview, Dr Puma - who is also Lufwanyama MMD member of parliament - said Namulambe had been misunderstood.

"I feel that reading what Honourable Namulambe said, it gives me an impression that he has been misunderstood. His statement was targeted against the people speaking ill of the late Levy Mwanawasa," Dr Puma said.

He said the late president Mwanawasa tried his best for the people of Zambia.

"For people to be talking ill of the late president, I think no one would be happy about that. It's not only the people of Copperbelt rural who would be unhappy if somebody talked ill of the late President but it's the people in all parts of the country who mean well and those who felt that the late president did a lot for this country," Dr Puma said. "Looking at the sentiments, I think

Honourable Namulambe was completely misunderstood on the statement he made and to interpret it as a tribal statement was completely out of context."

Dr Puma said the Mwanawasa must be allowed to rest in peace.

"Looking at some of the people who have been commenting, it is clear that they did not clearly read or clearly understand what Honourable Namulambe meant," said Dr Puma. "I feel that the late president should be allowed to rest in peace so that we who are living can refocus our energies under the leadership of President Rupiah Banda to develop our country."

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