Monday, December 14, 2009

The planet that US Obama, his wealthiest allies dominate is falling apart – Fidel

The planet that US Obama, his wealthiest allies dominate is falling apart – Fidel
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Sun 13 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

FIDEL Castro has said the planet that US President Barack Obama and his wealthiest allies dominate with an iron fist is just falling apart.

In his Thursday published column, former Cuban president Fidel stated that last month when President Obama toured and held discussions with China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and many others the American leader's advisors would discuss every issue.

“It is clear now that Obama was paving the way for his remarks of December 1st, 2009, in West Point where he announced the 30,000 troop surge to Afghanistan,” Fidel said. “That day he made a thorough analysis. He carefully chose and produced 169 phrases aimed at pressing the right "keys" that would win him the support of the American people for a certain war strategy. That day I had the impression to be listening to former US president George W. Bush. His arguments were no different from the philosophy of his predecessor except for a fig leaf: Obama was opposed to torture.”

Fidel argued that the main leader of the organisation blamed for the terrorist act of 9/11 Osama Bin Laden had been recruited and trained by the Central Intelligence Agency to fight the Soviet troops even when he was not an Afghan.

He stated that Cuba´s condemnation of the terrorist action and other additional measures were made public when the World Trade Centre was reduced to ground zero.

Fidel stated that Cuba also warned that the way to fight terrorism was not through war.
“The organisation of the Taliban - a word meaning student - sprang up from the Afghan forces fighting the USSR; they were no enemies of the United States,” he stated.
Fidel stated that an honest analysis would lead to the true story behind that war.

“Today, it is not the Soviet troops but the US' and NATO's that are occupying that country with great violence,” he stated. “The policy that the new US Administration is offering the American people is the same as that of George W. Bush, who ordered the invasion of Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with the attack on the Twin Towers.

The President of the United States is not saying a word of the hundreds of thousands of people, children and elders included, who have perished in Iraq and Afghanistan or of the millions of Iraqis and Afghans suffering from the consequences of the war, even when they had no responsibility whatsoever with the events of New York. Rather than a wish, the final phrase of his speech, "God bless America," sounded like an order to heaven. Why did Obama accept the Nobel Peace Prize if he had already decided to fight the war in Afghanistan to the very end? His cynical action was uncalled-for.”

Fidel stated that as President Obama was receiving his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, the world had expected another dramatic speech.

“A new textbook of phrases hiding the real existence of an imperial superpower with hundreds of military bases deployed all over the world; two-hundred years of military interventions in our hemisphere and, over a century of genocidal actions in countries like Vietnam, Laos and others in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and elsewhere on earth,” he stated. “The problem with Obama and his wealthiest allies now is that the planet they dominate with an iron fist is just falling apart.

The crime against humanity committed by Bush is well known, as he ignored the Kyoto Protocol and failed to do for ten years what should have been done long before that. Obama is not an ignorant. He is aware - as Al Gore was - of the grave danger threatening us all, but he hesitates and shows weakness vis-a-vis that country's blind and irresponsible oligarchy. He does not act like Lincoln did in 1861 to resolve the slavery issue and preserve national integrity, or like Roosevelt to cope with the economic crisis and with fascism. On Tuesday, he merely cast a timid stone in the troubled waters of international opinion.”

Fidel argued that none of the wars known to history posed a greater danger like climate change.
“The wealthiest nations will try to place on the poorest ones the bulk of the burden to save the human species,” he stated.

Fidel stressed that the wealthiest should be asked to make the greatest sacrifices and be most rational in the use of resources and bring a maximum of justice to human beings.
“It is likely that in Copenhagen only a minimum of time will be bought to reach a binding agreement that can really help to find solutions,” stated Fidel. “If that were the case, the Summit could at least be considered a modest step forward. Let us see what happens.”

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