Monday, February 01, 2010

(HERALD) India pledges to support Zim economic recovery

India pledges to support Zim economic recovery
New Ziana.

India is prepared to partner the Zimbabwe Government in various spheres to align the economy on a firm recovery track, an official said on Wednesday.

In an interview with New Ziana, Indian ambassador Ashok Venkatesan said his country was prepared to assist Zimbabwe in its quest to recapitalise various sectors of the economy.

Venkatesan said Zimbabwe required massive investment injections in the various economic to recover from the decade long slump.

"We are willing to work with Zimbabwe in efforts to revive the economy," he said.

"We would like to be involved in power generation, railway infrastructure as well as transport and Information Communication Technology development," he added.

He said there was need for both countries to identify areas of possible cooperation aimed at stimulating economic growth.

"It is up to the two countries to single out areas of cooperation to push the economy towards growth," he said.

Ashok said Zimbabwe had a rich base of natural resources and human skills that could be tapped to reinvigorate the economy.

"Zimbabwe is one of the richest countries in the region in terms of natural and human resources," he said.

"These should be utilised to spur economic growth," he added.

He said India had pledged close to US$5 million in procuring machinery for local small and medium enterprises.

Part of the money would be used to initiate training projects, with experts flown from India to facilitate the training projects. — New Ziana.

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