Sunday, March 14, 2010

Police arrest Fr Bwalya for 'flashing' red card

Police arrest Fr Bwalya for 'flashing' red card
By Bivan Saluseki
Sat 13 Mar. 2010, 04:50 CAT

CATHOLIC priest Fr Frank Bwalya was yesterday arrested by Kitwe police and detained at Kamfinsa Remand Prison for allegedly flashing red cards against President Rupiah Banda and the MMD government.

But Fr Bwalya, who is executive director for Change Life Zambia, said he did not feel intimidated with the action by police. In an interview, Fr Bwalya said four police officers picked him up around midday near “After 10 Take Away” in Kitwe as he was trying to get a lift from somebody.

“I was alone but walking in a company of some people. I think about four. I was trying to get a lift from someone,” he said.

Fr Bwalya said he does not know what police were up to.

“Right now I am at the district office in Kitwe and about to enter Room 7,” he said.

He said he was still waiting to be arrested and charged.

Later, Fr Bwalya said he had been arrested and charged with conduct likely to cause a breach of public peace. He was also moved to Kamfinsa Remand Prison for detention. However, Fr Bwalya wondered what crime he had committed to be treated in such a way because he believed that he had not broken any law.

“I don’t feel intimidated. I am not a criminal. We have been intimidated before,” said Fr Bwalya.

Change Life Zambia in conjunction with other Non-Governmental Organisations two weeks ago launched a red card campaign as a way to register their dissatisfaction at the way President Banda and the MMD government are managing the country’s affairs.

They said the MMD deserved nothing less than a red card in next year’s election because they have let down Zambians on all fronts.

They also called upon members of the public to join in the red card campaign by flashing the red card every Friday and by driving with headlamps on the whole day.

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