Sunday, April 18, 2010

(PALO) The Urgency of Lifting US-EU Sanctions on Zimbabwe

The Urgency of Lifting US-EU Sanctions on Zimbabwe: An Appeal to the White House, Senate and Congress

Obi Egbuna of the Pan-African Liberation Organization (PALO) exposes the role of Barack Obama and other people in the US Congress in destabilizing Zimbabwe.
Originally uploaded by Pan-African News Wire File PhotosThe Urgency of Lifting US-EU Sanctions on Zimbabwe

An Appeal to the White House, US Senate and Congress

At the behest of the African Union, the three political parties which
make up Zimbabwe's parliament agreed to form an inclusive Government; this decision was embraced throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Because of the political makeup of Zimbabwe's Global Political
Agreement, the most vital aspect of the mediation between ZANU-PF and both factions of MDC, rested solely on the shoulders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The turning points in finalizing the Global Political Agreement between ZANU-PF and both factions of MDC came when South African President, Thabo Mbeki was chosen as the mediator by SADC collectively, and Tanzania's President, Kikwete was chairing the African Union. This demonstrated to the international community that SADC collectively was equally committed to resolving the political
conflict in Zimbabwe, as well as maintaining peace and stability
throughout the Southern region of Africa.

While the world majority was pleased to see Zimbabwe’s political
parties iron out their differences diplomatically, as opposed to
resorting to military means, both the British and US Governments have expressed an extreme level of skepticism when addressing this matter.

The Obama and Brown administrations as well as their EU allies
responded to the establishment of Zimbabwe's inclusive government, by extending sanctions against the country for at least one more year, due to their inability to influence the outcome of the direction Zimbabwe's leadership has chosen for its country and people.

The decision to extend sanctions against Zimbabwe also demonstrates a blatant disregard for the collective wishes of SADC, the African Union, and the Non Aligned Movement. The purpose of this appeal is to raise the following issues:

1. The organization and individuals who endorsed this appeal are
granted the opportunity to meet face to face with US President Barack
Obama and members of the CBC to discuss the repeal of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of December 2001.

2. US. President Barack Obama abandons the policy of exclusively
financing the office of Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai
which is causing friction among the three parties that make up the
Global Political Agreement.

3. US. President Barack Obama should either invite Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe to Washington for a face to face meeting, or make plans to travel to Zimbabwe to discuss the lifting of ZDERA along with modalities for the finding of compensation in the land reform program, as was agreed to in the Lancaster House Negotiations of 1979-1980.

4. US. President Barack Obama calls for the National Endowment for
Democracy (NED) to cease financing civil society groups in Zimbabwe, which include disgruntled elements of the opposition who were not in favor of the establishment of Zimbabwe's inclusive government.

5. US. President Barack Obama issue a formal apology to the Government and people of Zimbabwe concerning the 1,000 US mercenaries who fought along side the Rhodesian army during the second chimurenga (Zimbabwe's liberation war).

6. US. President Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus who voted in favor of ZDERA in 2001 spearhead repealing ZDERA which the US Senate and Congress passed in retaliation for the launching of Zimbabwe's land reclamation program.

7. US. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton and the US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, work to establish a system to carefully monitor the activities of the US Embassy in Zimbabwe to ensure their behavior is in accordance with international law as it relates to diplomatic protocol.

8. US. Religious, Academic, Cultural and Business Institutions should be encouraged to establish and maintain people to people exchanges with Zimbabwe.

9. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, travel to Zimbabwe to see the
impact ZDERA has on Women and Children along with the Education and Health infrastructures.

10. US. President Barack Obama should discontinue the cycle of renewing the President's Executive Order as it pertains to sanctions on Zimbabwe, which he renewed in March of 2009 and this year.

Submitted By Mr. Obi Egbuna

US Correspondent to the Herald (Zimbabwe's National Newspaper) Washington, DC
Distinguished SNCC Alum,
Mr. Mukasa Dada (formerly known as Willie Ricks) Atlanta, Georgia
The American Indian Movement, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Initiated and Endorsed by:

The Shrine of the Black Madonna, Detroit, Michigan
The National Conference of Black Lawyers
Attorney Chokwe Lumumba, Chairman: New African Peoples Organization
Prince Asiel Ben Israel, President: A Better World Inc. Chicago, Illinois
Mr. Dhoruba Bin Wahad, Director: Institute for Development of Pan
African Policy Ghana Former US African American Political Prisoner
Dr. Molefi Asante, Professor: Department of African American Studies
Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ms. Cynthia McKinney, Former US Congresswoman/Green Party 2008
Presidential Candidate, Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Belinda Sheppard, International Project Coordinator:
All Around The African World Museum, Lansing, Michigan
Mr. Curtis Mullin, Executive Officer: African American Council, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Mrs. Rashieda Weaver, All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, Guinee, Conakry
Attorney Mary Cox, Boston, Massachusetts
Attorney Michael Warren, NYC, New York
Dr. Lucille Norville Perez, Washington, DC
Distinguished SNCC Alum, Dr. El Senzengakulu Zulu, Founder of Ujamaa
Shule, Washington, DC
Mr. George Grace, Mayor of St Gabriel
President Emeritus National Conference of Black Mayors, Louisiana.
Ms. Shirley Rivens Smith, President: US-Africa Sister Cities
Foundation, Washington, DC
Mr. Omali Yeshitela, Chairman: African Socialist International,
Petersburg, Florida
Attorney Malik Shabazz, Chairman: New Black Panther Party, Washington, DC
US citizens residing in Zimbabwe against ZDERA
(Mr. Ramzu Yunus, Mr. Thomas Howie, Mr. Bruce Smith Jr, Mr. Ahmad
Smith, Ms. Velma Gwishiri)
Mr. Everesto Mabhuro, Zimbabwean National Residing In the UK Opposed To ZDERA
M1 (also known as Mutulu Olugbala of Hip Hop Group Dead Prez) Houston, Texas
Mr. Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History African American
Studies: University of Houston, Texas
Dr. Ronald Zeigler, Director: Nyumburu Cultural Center, University of
Maryland College Park
Mr. Solomon Comissong, Assistant Director: Nyumburu Cultural Center,
University of Maryland College Park
Mr. Lathan Hodge, California
Dr. Norma Jackson, Director of International Program: Benedict College
Columbia, South Carolina
Dr. Peter Jackson, Professor: Benedict College Columbia, South Carolina
Mr. Hodari Abdul Ali, Give Peace a Chance Foundation, Washington, DC
Pastor Willie Wilson, Founder Union Temple Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Reverend Mmoja Ajabu, Minister of Social Concerns Light Of the World
Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mr. Reason Wafawarova, Australian Correspondent to The Herald
(Zimbabwe's National Newspaper)
Mr. Lorenzo Martin, Publisher: Chicago Standard Newspapers
Mr. William Reed, Black Press Foundation, Washington, DC
Mr. Abayomi Azikwe, Editor: Pan African News Wire, Detroit, Michigan
Mr. I.K. Cush, International Correspondent: New African Magazine, New York
Dr. Wilmer Leon, Political Scientist Info Wave Communications:
LLC/Executive Producer "On With Leon" Talk Show, Washington, DC.
Mr. Dedon Kamathi, Freedom Now WPFK, Los Angeles, California
National Black United Front Lansing, Michigan Chapter
Mr. Norman Richmond, Radio Producer/Host and Journalist Uhuru
Radio/Share/Our World Today Toronto, Canada
Mr. Netfa Freeman, (IPA) Social Action and Leadership School for
Activists, Washington, DC.
Ms. Joan Cambridge Guyana
Exodus Program (Mr. Taz Shabazz, Mr. Charles Lester, Ms. Janet Lewis,
Mr. James Stanback, Mr. Andrew Harris)
Mr. Omowale Adewale, President: Grass Roots Artists Movement, New York
City, New York
Mr. Louis Wolf co-founder Director of Research Covert Action Quarterly (1978-2005)
Mr. Gregory Elich, Author of Strange Liberators
Dr. Dorothy Blake Fardan, Department Of Behavioral Sciences, Bowie
State University Bowie, Maryland
Ms. Kimberly Howard, President: CIMARRONES, Howard University
Mr. Desta Aniywo, African Students Progressive Action Committee,
University of Maryland College Park
Black Nation in Germany
Pan African Liberation and Reparations Network In Germany
Zimbabwe Solidarity Network in Germany
African Refugees Association in Germany
SOS (Struggles of Students) in Germany
Mr. Jim Goodnow: Yellow Rose of Texas Bus for Peace
Dr. Anthony Browder, Director: IKG Cultural Recourse Centre, Washington, DC

Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 1:40 PM

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