Monday, May 03, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Malawi registers new tobacco buyer from Japan

Malawi registers new tobacco buyer from Japan
By Nyasa Times
Published: April 28, 2010

Malawi tobacco industry has received a boost after registering a new buyer from Japan, Tobacco Control Commission (TCC) has said.

The new tobacco buyer is trading under the name Japan Tobacco International (JTI). The development according to economists will bring competition among buyers with likelihood of improvement of prices on the tobacco market.

TCC Public Relations Officer Juliana Chidumu told Capital Radio on Wednesday that JTI had already started buying the forex earning leaf at the Lilongwe Auction Floors.

Chidumu added that the company had already bought an average of 3 million kg of tobacco worth more than US$6 million, at an average price of US$1.85 per kg.

The coming in of JTI on the tobacco market has brought the number of existing buyers to six.

Among the companies are Limbe Leaf, Alliance One, Stancom Tobacco, Premier Leaf, and Africa leaf.

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