Tuesday, May 11, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T always ready to please the West

MDC-T always ready to please the West
By: Sihle Dube
Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 6:10 am

MDC-T politicians always fail to disappoint their masters in the west and they are always handsomely rewarded for many of their pathetic statements each time they get an opportunity.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is currently in the United States to receive yet another "human rights award". God knows what that "award" is for considering that this is a man who has been actively campaigning for the imposition of illegal and ruinous sanctions on Zimbabwe. For a solid ten years, Tsvangirai has showed that he would stop at nothing to gain power, including pushing millions of his own people into poverty and advocating a return to white rule in Zimbabwe.

The prime minister does not spare a minute in pleasing his western backers. Last night he cast a pathetic figure by declaring Bennett's court case as persecution.

He told a media audience: "As I've always said he's not being prosecuted, he's being persecuted. I hope that the persecution has ended."

Who was persecuting Bennett? It is shocking to think that Tsvangirai expected Bennett to never enter the court when allegations of such crimes are brought against him. His acquittal is testimony that the rule of law exists in Zimbabwe.

I just hope that at the next MDC-T congress, the prime minister will step down as MDC-T leader after serving his two consecutive terms. That way he can show us that he respects the rule of law.

In the meantime, many of that party's leaders can continue pleasing white masters to the detriment of their party, which is now clearly a "blast from the past".

Sihle Dube writes from the United Kingdom. She can be reached via sihledube *** hotmail.co.uk

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