Sunday, May 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) ZITDERA: The empire’s fresh patch on its tattered sheep’s clothes

ZITDERA: The empire’s fresh patch on its tattered sheep’s clothes
By: AFRICAN FOCUS By Tafataona P Mahoso
Posted: Sunday, May 16, 2010 8:22 am

BY effectively countering the Western war of ideas against Zimbabwe, the people have punched holes in the sheep’s clothes worn by the Anglo-Saxon hyena calling itself the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera). The punched holes clearly reveal that this piece of white law has been a cover for terror, nothing to do with democracy or economic recovery.

As a result of the victory of the people of Zimbabwe who now see through the gaping holes in the white law of economic terrorism, US lawmakers Russel Feingold, John Kerry and Johny Isakson this past week did exactly what Jesus 2 000 years ago said was a hopeless act:

“No one tears a piece (chigamba) from a new cloak (garment) to put it on an old cloak. If he does so, not only will he have torn the new one, but the piece taken from the new will not match but ruin the old.”

The three white lawmakers of the US have crafted a Bill (chigamba chitsva) to be called the Zimbabwe Transition to Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZITDERA), if the Bill becomes law.

In doing this, the US lawmakers confirm what the Latin American theologian and scholar Josè Miranda wrote in 1971 about Anglo-Saxon imperialism:

The West abhors few biblical passages as much as it does this: “No one tears a piece from a new cloak to put it on an old cloak; if he does, not only will he have torn the new one, but the piece (chigamba) taken from the new will not match the old.”

In the particular case of the US, the sheep’s clothes which have been worn by Anglo-Saxon imperialism is the garment of charity or humanitarian relief. This garment has been torn apart by Zimbabwe and its internationalist supporters such as China, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, South Africa, Russia and others in Sadc, the African Union and the Non-Aligned Movement.

They have torn the empire’s sheep’s clothing of humanitarian goodwill by denouncing the same empire’s illegal sanctions and by offering Zimbabwe economic solidarity and empowerment instead of charity.

So, underneath the empire’s sheep’s clothing of humanitarian assistance, the world now sees the terror of illegal regime change which was supposed to be effected mostly through illegal sanctions, economic warfare.

Therefore the Anglo-Saxons, through the US Congress, are taking chigamba, a patch, from the tattered cloak of “humanitarian assistance, democracy and human rights” to put on a new cloak of the same illegal regime change and economic aggression; but it is now renamed “Transition to Democracy”, after the theory of transitionalism and transitology transferred from the end of the Cold War in Eastern Europe.

The result is what Zimbabweans see clearly as criminal humanitarianism, which means “charitable” activities conducted by the very same evil forces who through their aggression and intolerance created the need for relief in the first place.

In order to make the patched-up costume of economic and psychological war appear to be something new, something now called transition to democracy and economic recovery, the Anglo-Saxon racists must rely on the same thread and needle of white law which they have used since the days of chattel slavery. They must rely on the same thread and needle of white law which the Latin American theologian Josè Miranda identified and condemned back in 1971 when he wrote that:

“Paul (in the Book of the Romans) repeats several times that the (Roman Empire’s law — Roman-Dutch Law) serves as an instrument of sin . . . Sin (and evil) has become structured into human (imperial) civilisation itself, whose most characteristic and quintessential expression is the law . . . As the (Anglo-Saxon) sociologists and philosophers of law know very well, law is the most symptomatic and most concentrated expression of a culture and social system.”

Therefore the genocidal blockade and brutalisation of targets of imperialism has got to be sewn together, patched up, through the needle and thread of imperialist law. As Paul said to the Corinthians: “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the (empire’s) law.”

And the empire’s laws are well known. They include:

-Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act;
-Zimbabwe Transition to Democracy and Economic Recovery Bill;
-Cuban Adjustment Act (against Cuba);
-Helms-Burton Act, 1996, (against Cuba);
-Trade with the Enemy Act of 1917 (a war-time law being used against Cuba in 2010); and
-Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplementary Appropriations Act (Section 211 targeting Cuban trademarks).

The latest attempt, the Zimbabwe Transition to Democracy and Economic Recovery Bill, is a typical Anglo-Saxon initiative in the tradition of apartheid. For, it proposes to:

-Influence member nations in the Kimberley Process, the international diamond marketing club, to suspend Zimbabwe from that club and force the country to rely instead of World Bank and IMF funding which the US and its allies control and manipulate more easily;

-Divide Zimbabwe’s Government ministries between the so-called reforming departments (to be endorsed in and to be assisted), on one hand, and the so-called “hard-line” ministries (to be endorsed out and to continue to be sanctioned), on the other hand;

-Divide members of Zimbabwe’s Parliament according to the same apartheid system;

-Use travel bans and sanctions to punish those “hardliners” who have been endorsed out while offering bribes, aid and political and diplomatic support to those perceived as pliable and collaborating with the Anglo-Saxon agenda; and

-Above all, stop Zimbabwe from selling the Chiadzwa diamonds given to the people by God of their ancestors. In the place of independent revenue from diamonds, open the way for the country to get loans from the IMF and World Bank, thereby setting a debt trap for the people.

The inevitable result of such a law, if it were to pass, would be to make worse the white Anglo-Saxon outrage which in this column we have called criminal humanitarianism, the evil that permeates the imperialist system to this day.

According to Josè Miranda: “Structured into a total civilisation, (this imperialist evil) is able to co-opt for its own reinforcement even the best intentioned attempts and initiatives for justice, for these (attempts and initiatives) accept the rules of the (imperialist) game imposed by the system. Clear perception of this point is intolerable to the West (and to its proxies in our midst).”

That is why the nationalists or “hardliners”, that is why the Julius Malemas who used to be banned by P. W. Botha, banned by Ian Smith and George W. Bush, must now be banned also by a rainbow court in South Africa and by a so-called Sadc Tribunal in Windhoek, Namibia; that is why the once-dispossessed African majority of Zimbabwe must now be sanctioned by US President Barack Obama, whose African father came from the land of the Mau Mau. But Obama must use the same cloak of law used by the white racists for the last 500 years.

In the new war where ideas matter a lot, imperialist evil has not only to be committed under the cloak of law; it must present itself as the best law ever invented by any society.

For, indeed, as Miranda quotes Luis Recaséns Siches: “The judicial sphere represents the extreme form of the social sphere (of the empire), the maximisation of the (imperial) social sphere, its most intense and most rigidly crystallised expression.” So, it is important that a dying empire cloaks its criminality in a garment sown by the needle and thread of imperial law.

Anglo-Saxon imperialism is “a reality totally penetrated by (noble-sounding) intentions and calculations, a reality which seems to be possessed by an evil substitute for the human soul and which, endowed with prodigious dynamism, raises itself before real man to control him to its own ends”.

And the power of this Anglo-Saxon evil “to co-opt for its own reinforcement even the best-intentioned attempts and initiatives” was seen only a few days ago when Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai visited US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in Washington. According to The Herald of May 12 2010, the Prime Minister was asked to comment on the moves in Washington to patch up the tattered ZIDERA and pretend that there is now a changed ZITDERA.

As a Prime Minister of the very same children of Nehanda who were being directed by the US and its allies to stop earning revenue from their God-given diamonds at Chiadzwa but instead go to the US-controlled IMF and World Bank and ask for loans and ask to be treated as a highly indebted poor country (HIPC), what did Mr Tsvangirai think?

“I can’t decide that (that is the sanctions issue.) That is a sovereign right of the American government . . . It’s for you (the US) to judge us (Zimbabweans) on the basis of what has been done on the ground.”

So, even the US State Department under Hilary Clinton has itself become law. It must judge Zimbabwe, according to our Honourable Prime Minister.

So, yes, the Anglo-Saxons have given themselves the “sovereign right” to use their ancient needle and thread of imperialist “law” to try to tie up the Zimbabwe economy, yes, even the God-given diamonds. Instead of benefiting from this God-given resource, Zimbabwe is being directed, through US-imperial law, to go begging for loans at the IMF and World Bank!

Why? As Jan Oberg said in Paris on October 25 1999 in connection with Anglo-Saxon sanctions and war of aggression against former Yugoslavia, it was ironic that internationalists got most upset when the Nato bombing of Serbia began. They should have been most upset and most active against the killing of the economy of Yugoslavia through sanctions, long before the Nato war of aggression. Why?

“The economy is much better (than the 1 000 Nato jetfighters) in killing people . . . I want us all to think of those who (because of the visible acts of massive military aggression) are not in the [media] limelight of . . . attention . . . those who are victims of real genocide. Somewhere between 50 and 75 thousand people this very day (October 25 1999) have died due to the global economic system. They are not dying in war. They are dying unnecessarily because they lack the most necessary things in life, such as water, food, shelter and clothes. That is the largest genocide going on, and the reason for it is global capitalism. It’s not wars.”

And, as we can see from events in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Britain, this global capitalism is struggling to save itself from collapse. The crisis forced the US to replace George W. Bush with Barack Obama. It has forced the British to replace New Labour’s Gordon Brown with David Cameron and Nick Clegg of the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. And it is forcing the Anglo-Saxon powers to come out openly and tell the people of Zimbabwe that a small country like that cannot be allowed at this time of white crisis to exploit an autonomous source of revenue in the form of God-given diamonds at Chiadzwa while the big Anglo-Saxon countries go begging for Chinese paper credit!

And the instrument to be used to achieve this absurdity is the same instrument which was used to justify slavery, apartheid and the British South Africa Company here. The racist needle and thread of white law will be used to tie and torture the native and to arrest this economy.

But the native, just like the Latin American liberation theologian Josè Miranda, is wide awake: “The sting of death is sin, and the power of evil is the (empire’s) law.” We will tear and burn it in Obama’s face, the same way we tore and burned Ian Smith’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence, the same way we tore the Boer flag of apartheid.

Source: The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

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