Sunday, June 27, 2010

ZNFU accuses FRA of being insincere on maize purchase

ZNFU accuses FRA of being insincere on maize purchase
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sat 26 June 2010, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIA National Farmers Union (ZNFU) executive director Ndambo Ndambo has accused the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) of being economical with the truth in saying that the purchase of maize has delayed to start due to the purported moisture content.

During the Chipata District Farmers Association (CDFA) annual general meeting at Crystal Springs Hotel on Thursday, Ndambo said the issue of moisture content was not the correct position that had prompted FRA to delay in opening the maize marketing season.

“Last year FRA announced that it would start buying maize on 1st June. What we saw was that they started buying in July, this year again FRA announced that they would start buying on the 1st May but it appears they would start buying in July. Having worked for farmers I know that farmers are very intelligent people. I have never seen such an intelligent cadre of people and I know they know why FRA had delayed,” Ndambo said.

“They know the correct position as regards to the problems FRA is facing in maize marketing. If the market is not opening, the people are going to sell to briefcase businessmen at low prices.

So FRA should be sincere by telling us the truth because we in the union believe that the issue of moisture content is not the correct position. I think now FRA should just tell us because we know that they don’t just have the money. FRA should not be economical with the truth.”

Ndambo called on the government to help add a voice so that other players in the maize marketing sector could provide good prices.

Earlier Chipata district commissioner Moses Nyirenda said the government could not stop other maize buyers from buying the crop because the market was liberalised.

Nyirenda encouraged farmers not to rely entirely on one crop but to grow other crops as well. Provincial FRA coordinator Godfrey Munyoro said FRA had already started dispatching marketing requisites to various marketing centres.

Munyoro urged farmers to make sure they clean their maize before taking it to the market so that they do not spend much time at the satellite depot.

He said the maize moisture content was still high in Chipata district.

“Our current moisture content in Chipata is 13.2, Chama they have already reached the recommended 12.5 because it’s about 12.3 now so we have already started buying in Chama. The moisture content is relatively low in Lundazi at 12.8, Chadiza 14.3, Katete 13.4, Sinda 12.7, Petauke 12.8 and Nyimba 13.4. In my opinion I think in the next two weeks, we will be able to start buying,” Munyoro said.

And Eastern Province permanent secretary Eularia Syamujaye said the government appreciated the partnership with CDFA, whose overall aim was to address the structural causes of poverty, to increase food production, eradicate poverty and promote good governance in Chipata.

CDFA coordinator Virgil Malambo said the association managed to implement activities as planned in the annual work plan.

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