Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Munyenyembe accuses govt of intimidating MUZ

Munyenyembe accuses govt of intimidating MUZ
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Tue 07 Sep. 2010, 04:30 CAT

MINEWORKERS Union of Zambia (MUZ) General Secretary Oswell Munyenyembe has accused the government of intimidating the union whenever it speaks out on issues affecting miners.

In an interview, Munyenyembe said MUZ was taken aback that whenever they raised issues affecting miners, the government accused them of being used by the opposition.

He said it was sad that despite the various concerns raised by MUZ as regards the bringing of Vale, a Brazilian mining giant to start operating
in Zambia, the government had disregarded those concerns.

“We are taken aback that when we raise these issues, we are being intimidated by government. They are saying that we are being used by the opposition but do we need the opposition to tell us that miners are being mistreated?” Munyenyembe wondered.

He said MUZ’s views and concerns about Vale remained unchanged because the company had been mistreating workers in places where they were
already operating in other countries.

Munyenyembe said MUZ had information that Vale would be operating 50 per cent of Konkola North mine and that they had already began constructing a concentrator.

“As MUZ, our position on Vale is the same. Vale has no regard for workers’ rights. In Voiseyday where they are operating, they have even sued the president of a local union there for saying that they are treating workers like second class citizens,” he said. “In Canada, there is an indigenous tribe which Vale pays lower than others.”

Munyenyembe said Vale’s record was so bad that even when it came to compensating workers Vale always wanted to pay less.

“Now imagine if this comes to Zambia! Government does not listen to advice,” he said.

Munyenyembe said MUZ would see to it that Vale treats Zambian miners with respect and dignity.

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