Sunday, January 02, 2011

Ill-treatment of any human being is immoral, says Brig Gen Mulenga

Ill-treatment of any human being is immoral, says Brig Gen Mulenga
By Maluba Jere
Sun 02 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE ill-treatment of any human being is immoral here on earth and a capital sin in heaven. This is according to Brigadier General Nathan Mulenga, the Zambia National Service deputy commandant.

Brig Gen Mulenga said the ill-treatment of people by everyone in society needed to be stopped. He advised parents and guardians who abused and molested their children and dependents to desist from doing so.

“We speak loudest blaming government for not doing enough about the problem of street children while forgetting that we, in one way or the other, contribute to this challenge in the way we treat our children and dependents,” said Brig Gen Mulenga during the wedding ceremony of Lieutenant Colonel Simon Nambota and Nosiku Munalula at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre on Saturday.

“Due to cruel behaviour towards children, they run away to seek refuge on the streets as they find streets as a safe haven. Meantime, these same children who are potentially intelligent people are denied decent lives and education, depriving the country better future leaders. This is shameful and criminal.”

Brig Gen Mulenga said it was baffling that these abuses at times took place with the full knowledge of neighbours who also just choose to turn a blind eye.

However, he said choosing to ignore a wrong was as good as being a perpetrator.

Brig Gen Mulenga urged people to report all cases of abuse to rid society of inhuman and criminal acts by cruel parents and guardians.

He also advised the couple to love each other, dialogue and remain steadfast in times of difficulty.



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