Monday, January 03, 2011

Letters - Neoliberalism and Tribalism

COMMENT - Remember that GDP is merely a measure of economic activity, even when that economic activity is foreign mining companies dragging Zambian copper out of the country without paying for it, or whether it is the government cleaning up their mess. Finance Minister Musokotwane stated that under the current neoliberal system, there will be no significant dent in poverty for at least 30 years.

Economic indicators
By Daaram Simakungwe
Fri 31 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT


As we end the year, we have a chance to analyse the performance of our government, the economy and the general living standards of the Zambian citizens.

It is a fact that as much as we see Bank Of Zambia (BoZ)’s impressive statistics, the poor in Zambia is getting poorer. The employees have no future as the so-called "investors" have casualised the jobs.

Chinese and Indian plumbers and welders are getting work permits in Zambia and our MMD government sees nothing wrong with it.

President Rupiah Banda keeps spending more money on almost weekly foreign trips and MMD-orchestrated by-elections.

This is costing the poor Zambians hundreds of billions of kwacha, money which could have been used on Development.

Today I see no hope for Zambia until the economy starts benefiting the Zambians. BoZ keeps singing misleading MMD songs about Zambia's economy.

What Dr Fundanga fails to tell us is that all the money made by the big "investors" is deposited in their foreign offices and only expense money comes back to Zambia.

In my opnion, Zambia's gross domestic product performance is just paperwork drama which does not reflect the true living standards of the Zambians.

In reality our economy is in recess.

Look at the social standards in Mufulira and Kitwe towns, the roads and general infrastructure.

Mufulira is now a ghost town with rundown buildings.

Mine companies abuse and damage public infrastructure at no cost.

Until the Zambian in Luapula starts enjoying lower prices, better income, the whole BOZ story about our economy makes no sense.

I have never seen a president from a poor country anywhere flying across the world like our Rupiah Banda does.

He must cut down on his expensive trips for the sake of the poor Zambians.
Happy 2011.

Daaram Simakungwe,

High copper prices
By Gady Mwamba Museka
Fri 31 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT


The government needs to improve the living standards of the people, most of who are living on less than a dollar per day.

We have many areas the government needs to attend to, like creation of employment.

For once, the government needs to heed advice on the windfall tax because copper prices keep rising as the latest information shows that on the London Metal Exchange, the price of the commodity has risen to a record high of US$9,437.50 a tonne.

We have to ensure that the mining sector is really part of the national development process through its equitable contribution to the taxation in Zambia.

One wonders why the government has remained adamant on this issue and yet there will be a lot of benefits for the Zambian people if we reintroduced windfall taxes.

I hope the government will listen to many voices over the issue of windfall tax.

Gady Mwamba Museka,


Regionalism in politics
By Felix Tembo
Fri 31 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT


Allow me to express my displeasure with the comments alleged to have been passed by Hon Moses Muteteka, a deputy minister in the MMD government.

It is unfortunate that the MP chose to lower himself to campaign against Enoch Kavindele on tribal grounds just to win sympathy from the Republican Vice-President who hails from Lalaland in Serenje.

It’s not so long ago when Muteteka was dropped from government, and he became very critical of this government but now that he is back in the comfortable seat, he has opted to forget about the suffering masses.

You can't defend a position because the one holding that it is a tribesmate.

Those sentiments are very dangerous and should not be entertained in this era and time of democracy.

People should be voted in positions on the condition of what they are capable of doing and not on the shape of their nose or which stream they draw their water from!

The honourable minister should apologise to Kavindele and the people of Central Province for misrepresenting them. Should he fail, let the President discipline him by firing him.

What the minister is promoting is division along the region. In short he is insinuating that even if Mulongoti is capable of being vice-president, he cannot vote for him because he comes from the Lambaland and not the Lalaland.

Those are just political offices. Tomorrow you will not be there and someone else will.
Ba minister learn to love your neighbours!

Felix Tembo,

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