Tuesday, January 04, 2011

NGOCC urges investigation of Global Funds misuse

NGOCC urges investigation of Global Funds misuse
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tue 04 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

A CIVIC organisation says there is need for law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate the misuse of Global Funds and ensure that culprits are prosecuted.

Reviewing the year 2010, NGOCC board chairperson Beatrice Grillo said a strong message needed to be sent to those few individuals who had put lives of thousands of antiretroviral drugs beneficiaries at risk by misappropriating funds.

Grillo said another area of concern that affected the country was the reported shortage of ARVs in most health centres throughout the country.

“We understand that this could have been due to the withholding of support to the health sector by donors and as a result of the misuse of Global Funds by the Ministry of Health and, some of its partner organisations,” she said.

Grillo also said even the government’s contracting of a US $53 billion loan for the purpose of providing mobile health services was a misplaced priority because the mobile health facilities would not be able to reach many rural areas due to the poor road network in Zambia.

On corruption, Grillo said the removal of the abuse of office offence clause in the new anti corruption bill was tantamount to legalising corruption and abuse of office by public servants including politicians.

She said the fight against corruption must be intensified to rebuild accountability and restore donor confidence and make resources available for the intended purposes.

“This goes without saying that similarly all those involved in the misappropriation of donor resources must be held to account and must be made to face the law without favour,” she said.

She said there were serious financial irregularities in the use of funds for the road sector where huge amounts were misapplied forcing donors to suspending their funding to the sector.

“The current state of our roads in Zambia is such that our farmers (most of who are women) find it extremely difficult to access market for their produce and to obtain farm inputs, reach health centres. Therefore any withdrawal of funds to the road sector has greater impact on our women and children,” she said.

Grillo said the completion of the work of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) and its subsequent draft report remained uninspiring to the majority of citizens.

She said it was now apparent that the 2011 general elections would be held under the current Constitution, and therefore rendering the opportunity for more effective participation of women in electoral processes difficult once again.

On a positive front, Grillo said the government presented the Anti Gender-Based Violence Bill before Parliament.

The Bill she said which among other things proposes the establishment of shelters and a fund to help victims of gender-based violence presented a window of hope in the fight against gender-based violence.

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