Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Security guard shoots NAPSA worker dead

Security guard shoots NAPSA worker dead
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Wed 19 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

A WORKER at NAPSA’s Kalulushi Housing project yesterday died of wounds he sustained after being shot at by a security guard.

Copperbelt police commanding officer Dr Martin Malama confirmed the incident and death of John Phiri, an electrician who worked for a Chinese contractor for the project.

Dr Malama said Lackson Simwanza shot at Phiri who was among other workers who were demanding certain conditions from their Chinese bosses.

He said Phiri sustained a broken left leg and was rushed to Kitwe Central Hospital where he died hours later.

“Unfortunately and it is very sad, as we are talking, the man has died. This man, Simwanza has surrendered himself and the gun to police. We will charge him for murder; there is no way a person leaves his home for work and he should be shot at,” said Dr Malama.

Some workers who did not want to be named said they were protesting against ill-treatment by their Chinese boss named Peter whom they accused of using vulgar language against them.

They alleged that their Chinese boss paid more money to workers that were close to him, which caused unhappiness among the other workers.

The workers threatened not to work yesterday morning and as the group was charging towards the guards, one of them opened fire and shot Phiri in the leg.

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